- n.唯恩;厦门唯恩;北斗七星;唯恩电气;北斗星

= I wish that the rain would stop and let me cry in wain
Here I love you and horizon hides you in wain . I love you still among these cold things .
This paper explains the role and function of intelligent transformer terminal unit in electric power system , introduces the wain content and design program of the project .
At the center of its frame is a brook . A hay wain advances through the water .
These ideas are summarized in a diagram reproduced from Wain and Fawcett .
John Wain , Graham Swift and Julian Barnes are all important figures in inheriting and developing that tradition .
Along one side of the field the whole wain went , the arms of the mechanical reaper revolving slowly , till it passed down the hill quite out of sight .
In front of the wain , in the mid-ground , are thickets and a small hut under the sun .
When the high speed steel is in a quenched and tempered state , the transformation of excess austenite is not the wain process of transformation during deep freezing and uniform precipitation of a great amount of fine carbides is the main cause of strenthening .