wage cuts

美 [weɪdʒ kʌts]英 [weɪdʒ kʌts]
  • 降薪
wage cutswage cuts
  1. Through negotiation , the companies have arrived at innovative solutions , such as white-collar workers volunteering for temporary wage cuts to help reduce job losses in the factories .


  2. Higher inflation allows more companies and workers to agree to real wage cuts than would otherwise be the case .


  3. By withdrawing their labour , the workers showed they were unwilling to accept wage cuts .


  4. Demonstrators , angry about wage cuts and tax increases , say poor people are unfairly targeted .


  5. Has your company just announced layoffs , salary freezes , or wage cuts ?


  6. However , labour market liberalisation and steep wage cuts are delivering the " internal devaluation " required .


  7. Unlike 10 years ago , there is not much scope for wage cuts this time , so this crisis will hit profits .


  8. As a result , to compensate for the wage cuts that never were made , businesses now may be capping wage growth . '


  9. Cyprus has already adopted some measures demanded by the EU and International Monetary Fund , including modest wage cuts for civil servants .


  10. Wages are falling ; wage cuts are spreading as employers continue to curb costs and remain reluctant to hire .


  11. But in the past three recessions since 1986 and especially the 2007-2009 downturn companies minimized wage cuts and instead let workers go to keep remaining workers happy .


  12. Deflation raises individual purchasing power but is generally bad for the overall economy , as it cuts into company profits and can trigger job and wage cuts .


  13. Even during the early years of the Great Depression , manufacturing workers actually saw their real wages rise , and wage cuts have been scarce in every recession since .


  14. Broadly , state employees ' unions have accepted furloughs periods of unpaid leave as an alternative to either permanent wage cuts or workforce cuts .


  15. This is both useful for those firms that are currently uncompetitive , and preferable for society , because wage cuts are more equitable than unemployment .


  16. Given the political impossibility of further wage cuts , a temporary wage subsidy , partially financed by external sources , should be implemented until structural reforms increase productivity .


  17. In two weeks , the European Union will consider whether high-debt countries will be forced to take austerity measures like introducing wage cuts , employment freezes and longer working weeks .


  18. As the economy recovers , pent-up wage cuts will probably continue to slow wage growth long after the unemployment rate has returned to more-normal levels , ' the researchers said .


  19. Without the option of devaluing their currencies , uncompetitive economies are left with internal devaluation – otherwise known as wage cuts and mass unemployment . It is true that countries such as Greece badly need economic reforms .


  20. Neither policy was cost free , but they provided an alternative to the internal devaluation ( otherwise known as wage cuts and mass unemployment ) that is currently being urged upon Italy , Greece and much of southern Europe .


  21. A worse-than-expected report on weekly US jobless claims and Greek protests over wage cuts also sent investors scurrying for safety , away from the euro and into US Treasuries , German bonds and UK gilts .


  22. But until quite recently pay has tended to be " sticky " on the way down : workers have generally been reluctant to take wage cuts , at least in nominal terms , which has made real-wage adjustment slow .


  23. In two weeks , the European Union will consider whether high-debt countries will be forced to take austerity measures like introducing wage cuts , employment freezes and longer working weeks . By last weekend , the euro was trading at about $ 1.36 , compared to $ 1.45 in December .


  24. Workers in these countries can expect to see salary rises of 6.1 % , 6.8 % and 6.8 % , respectively . However , when adjusted for inflation , which is expected to be high in these countries , workers will actually experience real wage cuts of 0.4 % , 0.7 % and 3.9 % .


  25. Unions at Tower Automotive in the US last month agreed $ 30m ( 16m ) of wage and benefits cuts to save jobs .


  26. Delphi has demanded deep wage and benefits cuts from its34000blue-collar workers , saying they are essential to the survival of its US operations .


  27. The report will be a further blow for hard-working families ascash-strappedparents continue to struggle with rising household bills and wage freezes and cuts to child benefit .


  28. Since abandoning the euro looks , at least for now , unthinkable , these countries risk years of wage and budget cuts with anaemic growth , high unemployment and deflation .
