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  • 网络可变正时控制;香港职业训练局;职业训练局
  1. The traditional Radar 's tracking number can 't meet the need of VTC .


  2. A Comparative Study of English Teaching between Hong Kong VTC and the Mainland HVI


  3. A novel fast soft decision decoding algorithm , called variable threshold Chase algorithm ( VTC ), is described .


  4. The regression equations effectively calculate the value of VI , VTC and ST for the product .


  5. Improved MPEG-4 VTC BQ Mode Coding Algorithm


  6. To provide students , parents and teachers with more information about the career oriented curriculum courses offered by the vtc .


  7. During the year , 18 training boards and five general committees continued to help the VTC implement its training programmes .


  8. From September , VTC has merged the nine institutions into a single education institution , the IVE .


  9. In 2001-02 , 1 027 of the 1 468 applications received were approved by the VTC .


  10. The Industry Department is represented on the VTC and the CITA . Business Development Branch [ Electrical and Mechanical Services Department ]


  11. The Vocational Training Council ( VTC ) provides technical education and industrial training places . Building and Civil Engineering Industry Training Board [ CITA ]


  12. Let me know what the time difference is between Seoul and Michigan , and I 'll plan the VTC during your business hours .


  13. The New Technologies Training Scheme administered by the VTC aims to facilitate the adoption of new technologies beneficial to Hong Kong industry and commerce .


  14. Vocational education at higher technician and technician levels was in the past provided by the VTC 's two technical colleges and seven technical institutes respectively .


  15. The VTC continues to run the Foundation Diploma and the Certificate in Vocational Studies for Secondary 5 and Secondary 3 school leavers , respectively .


  16. The Marine Department 's Vessel Traffic Centre ( VTC ) is responsible for ensuring safe and efficient marine traffic flow in the waters of Hong Kong .


  17. Under the VTC 's auspices , the mission of the Management Development Centre of Hong Kong ( MDC ) is to enhance managerial effectiveness .


  18. MPEG 4 VTC can encode arbitrarily shaped still object as well as producting progressive scalable bitstream which is robust to error .


  19. According to the composition ratio and changes in voltage tolerance range of sensitive loads , voltage tolerance curve ( VTC ) of integrated load-sensitive can be obtained .


  20. During the year , 20 training boards and five general committees , including a newly established beauty care training board , continued to help the VTC implement its training programmes .


  21. The resources of vanadium-titanium magnetite concentrates ( VTC ) in China are rich which rank third in exploitation of national iron ore , and mainly located in Pan-Xi region .


  22. Vocational and technical colleges ( VTC ) are different from ordinary universities , so they should have their own teaching methods . The author applies the modern marketing theory to the teaching method in VTC .


  23. The relation of viscosity index ( VI ), viscosity-temperature coefficient ( VTC ) and surface tension ( ST ) of product with viscosity and hydrogen mass fraction of PHMS was analyzed by regular regression .


  24. Cultivation of creative persons in Vocational and Technical College ( VTC ) is the need of development of economy and techniques in new times , and how to cultivate creative persons with high quality is the task VTCs face .


  25. In continuous radio contact with the VTC , the HPS launches patrol the main harbour area , all port approaches and the restricted areas around the Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok .


  26. Pan Steel mainly used VTC as sintering raw material . In order to make fully use of its own iron resources , lower production costs and improve economic benefits of Vanadium products , Pan Steel intends to improve VTC amount in sintering material .


  27. Then aided by students ' questionnaire and teachers ' interview , the paper makes it explicit that in VTC English teaching emphasis is put on the teaching of grammar and vocabulary rather than discourse analysis , resulting in poor marks in cloze .


  28. This article tries to discuss the relation between cultivation of creative persons in VTC and construction of VTC based on construction of management system in VTC , of leaders group , of teaching staff team with high quality and on making program about cultivation of persons .
