
美 [ˈvoʊkl]英 [ˈvəʊkl]
  • adj.嗓音的;发声的;直言不讳的;大声表达的
  • n.(乐曲中的)歌唱部分,声乐部分

复数: vocals

voc- 声音;叫喊 + -al ...的





connected with the voice

vocal music


the vocal organs (= the tongue, lips, etc.)



telling people your opinions or protesting about sth loudly and with confidence

He has been very vocal in his criticism of the government's policy.


The protesters are a small but vocal minority.



usually pl.(乐曲中的)歌唱部分,声乐部分
the part of a piece of music that is sung, rather than played on a musical instrument

backing vocals


In this recording Armstrong himself is on vocals .


These words all describe producing language using the voice, rather than writing.以上各词均指口头、用口语。

(of language) produced using the voice; said rather than written 指口语的、口头的:

an exam in spoken English


[usually before noun] spoken rather than written 指口头的、口述的:

There will be a test of both oral and written French.


Both of these words can be used to refer to language skills and the communication of information.

In these cases oral is slightly more technical than spoken . Oral but not spoken can also be used with words such as tradition , culture and legends to talk about the way in which people pass stories down from one generation to the next, and in legal contexts followed by words such as evidence and hearing .

[usually before noun] connected with the voice 指嗓音的、发音的:

vocal music


the vocal organs (= the tongue, lips, etc.)




  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 大声说出的;直言不讳的;激烈表达意见的
    You say that people are vocal when they speak forcefully about something that they feel strongly about.

    He has been very vocal in his displeasure over the results...


  • Both these proposals were resisted by the developed countries, most vocally by the United States.


  • 3
    ADJ 嗓音的;发声的;(尤指)歌唱的
    Vocal means involving the use of the human voice, especially in singing.

    ...a wider range of vocal styles.


  • Vocally, it is often a very accomplished performance...



a short musical composition with words
a successful musical must have at least three good songs
Synonym: song
music intended to be performed by one or more singers, usually with instrumental accompaniment
Synonym: vocal music


given to expressing yourself freely or insistently
outspoken in their opposition to segregation
a vocal assembly
Synonym: outspoken
full of the sound of voices
a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children
having or using the power to produce speech or sound
vocal organs
all vocal beings hymned their praise
relating to or designed for or using the singing voice
vocal technique
the vocal repertoire
organized a vocal group to sing his compositions


  1. Acoustic analysis in patients with benign and malignant diseases of vocal cords by computer technique


  2. Chinese language has two characteristics , one is different from the Indo-European tonal , another is a vocal phonation types .


  3. He has been very vocal in his criticism of the government 's policy .


  4. Orbison 's vocal range spanned three octaves .


  5. In this recording Armstrong himself is on vocals .


  6. A public inquiry earlier this year produced vocal opposition from residents .


  7. She loved singing as a child and started vocal training at 12 .


  8. She uses her vocal training to record audio tapes of books for blind people .


  9. He has been very vocal in his displeasure over the results


  10. Hers is the kind of voice that excels at vocal gymnastics


  11. One thing 's for sure , Astbury 's vocal style hasn 't changed much over the years


  12. Courtship is somewhat vocal with a lot of displaying by the male .


  13. She wanted to scream , but her vocal cords seemed paralysed .


  14. Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make .


  15. By the end of his life , Presley 's vocals often descended close to self-parody .


  16. Johnson now sings backing vocals for Mica Paris .


  17. Sharon also sang backing vocals for Barry Manilow


  18. Brett 's vocals are just unique


  19. I like instrument better than vocal music .


  20. Soprano , alto , tenor and bass constitute the four vocal parts .


  21. Instead , they receive a fixed rate , which is typically about $ 825 for a standard four-hour vocal session .


  22. Researchers in psychology , a field rocked by findings of irreproducibility in the past few years , have been especially vocal sup-porters of the drive for more-open science .


  23. " I was a main character in Fallout 4 , a character by the name of Kellogg , and I never knew that I was doing vocal recording for that game throughout the year and a half . "


  24. Ross Mounce , a postdoc studying evolutionary biology at the University of Cambridge , UK , is a vocal champion of open science , partly because his fossil based research on access to others ' data .


  25. Also look out for soaring vocals on The Right Man .


  26. Public opinion at last became vocal .


  27. The tongue is a vocal organ .


  28. Psyche gave ear to the admonitions of her vocal attendants .


  29. Lazy bass line , lazier drums , lush violins , great piano and incomparable vocals .


  30. Talking to a colleague sitting next to you through instant messaging instead of vocal communication , mass texting friends and relatives with downloaded festival greetings instead of calling them in person ,



vocabulary n. (某学科中所使用的或某一语言的)词汇

voc- 声音;叫喊 + abul + -ary 名词后缀

vocation n. 职业

voc- 声音;叫喊 + -ation 名词后缀


capital n. 首都

capit 头 + -al ...的

chemical adj. 化学的

chemic 化学相关的 + -al ...的

dial v. 拨号

di- 日,白天 + -al ...的

educational adj. 教育的

educat(e) 教育 + -ion 行为,状态 + -al ...的

festival n. 节日

festiv(e) 喜庆的 + -al ...的

final adj. (指结果)最终的

fin 结束,范围 + -al ...的

general adj. 全体的

gener 出生 + -al ...的

historical adj. (有关)历史的

historic adj.历史上著名的 + -al ...的

international adj. 国际的

inter- 在…之间,相互 + nation n.民族 + -al ...的

local adj. 地方的

loc 地方 + -al ...的

medical adj. 医学的

medic- 治疗,治愈 + -al ...的

national adj. 国家的

nation n.民族 + -al ...的

natural adj. 自然的

natur(e) 自然 + -al ...的

personal adj. 个人的

person 人 + -al ...的

real adj. 真实的

re- 真实的 + -al ...的

several det./pron. 几个

sever 切割 + -al ...的

signal n. 信号

sign 标记 + -al ...的

traditional adj. 传统的

tradition n.风俗的传承 + -al ...的

usual adj. 通常的

usu- 用 + -al ...的

abnormal adj. 不正常的

ab- 离去,相反 + norm 规则 + -al ...的

agricultural adj. 农业的

agricultur(e) 农业 + -al ...的

electrical adj. 电的

electric adj.电的 + -al ...的

legal adj. 合法的

leg 法律 + -al ...的

mental adj. 思想的

ment 头脑,智力 + -al ...的

moral adj. 道德的

mor 风俗,习惯 + -al ...的

musical adj. 音乐的

music n.音乐 + -al ...的

optional adj. 随意的,任选的,可选择的,非强制的

opt- 选择 + -ion 名词后缀 + -al ...的

oral adj. 口头的

or 口,说 + -al ...的

practical adj. 实际的

practic(e) 实践,实行 + -al ...的

social adj. 社会的

soci 同伴,结交,联合 + -al ...的

spiritual adj. 精神的

spirit n.精神 + -al ...的

total adj. 全部的

tot- 全部 + -al ...的

universal adj. 普遍的

universe 宇宙 + -al ...的

vital adj. 至关重要的,必不可少的

vit 生命 + -al ...的

accidental adj. 意外的

accident n.意外事故 + -al ...的

actual adj. 真实的

act 行动,做 + -u- + -al ...的

additional adj. 附加的

addition n.增加 + -al ...的

annual adj. 每年的

annu- 年,一年 + -al ...的

aural adj. 听觉的

aur 耳 + -al ...的

central adj. 中心的

centr 中心 + -al ...的

classical adj. 古典的

classic adj.一流的 + -al ...的

conventional adj. 依照惯例的

con- 共同, 一起 + vent 来 + -ion 行为,状态 + -al ...的

cordial adj. 热诚的

cord 心脏 + -i- + -al ...的

criminal n. 罪犯

crimin 犯罪 + -al ...的

digital adj. 数字的

digit n.数字 + -al ...的

disposal n. 处置

dispos(e) 处理 + -al ...的

economical adj. 经济的

economic adj.经济学的 + -al ...的

emotional adj. 感情的

emotion n.情感 + -al ...的

experimental adj. 实验的

experiment n.实验 + -al ...的

external adj. 外部的

exter- 超过的 + -al ...的

fatal adj. 致命的

fat(e) 命运 + -al ...的

federal adj. 联邦的

feder 信任 + -al ...的

formal adj. 正式的

form 形状 + -al ...的

fundamental adj. 基本的

fundament n.基础 + -al ...的

grammatical adj. 文法的

gram 写,记录 + -m- + -atic 具备...性质 + -al ...的

ideal adj. 完美的

ide 意,观念 + -al ...的

identical adj. 完全相同的

ident- 相同 + -ic ...的 + -al ...的

industrial adj. 工业的

industr(y) 工业 + -al ...的

intentional adj. 故意的

intention n.预期的东西 + -al ...的

internal adj. 里面的

inter- 在…之间,相互 + -al ...的

liberal adj. 宽宏大度的

liber n.契据登记簿 + -al ...的

logical adj. 必然的

logic n.逻辑 + -al ...的

loyal adj. 忠诚的

loy- 法律 + -al ...的

manual n. 手册

manu 手 + -al ...的

mathematical adj. 数学的

mathematic adj.精确的 + -al ...的

mortal n. 凡人

mort 死 + -al ...的

mutual adj. 相互的

mut 改变 + -u- + -al ...的

naval adj. 海军的

nav 船,轮船 + -al ...的

neutral adj. 中立的

neutr- 中间 + -al ...的

normal adj. 典型的

norm 规则 + -al ...的

occasional adj. 偶尔的

occasion n.时刻 + -al ...的

oriental adj. 东方(尤指中国和日本)的

orient n.东方国家 + -al ...的

original adj. 起初的

origin n.起源 + -al ...的

plural adj. 复数的

plur 多,多数 + -al ...的

principal adj. 最重要的

prin- 第一,主要的 + cip- 拿,抓 + -al ...的

professional adj. 职业的

profession n.职业 + -al ...的

rational adj. 合理的

rat 推定,理由 + -ion 行为,状态 + -al ...的

refusal n. 拒绝

refus(e) 拒绝 + -al ...的

rural adj. 乡村的

rur- 农村 + -al ...的

statistical adj. 统计的

statistic n.统计数据 + -al ...的

structural adj. 结构的

structur(e) 结构,构造 + -al ...的

terminal n. 航空站

termin- 界限 + -al ...的

theoretical adj. 理论的

theoretic adj.理论的 + -al ...的

tropical adj. 热带的

tropic n.回归线 + -al ...的

marginal adj. 小的

margin n.边 + -al ...的

eternal adj. 不朽的

etern- 老,长久 + -al ...的

radical adj. 根本的

radic 根 + -al ...的

exceptional adj. 杰出的,卓越的

exception n.例外的人 + -al ...的

trivial adj. 不重要的

tri- 三 + vi 道路 + -al ...的

brutal adj. 残酷的

brut(e) 畜生,野兽 + -al ...的

verbal adj. 文字的

verb- 词语 + -al ...的

skeptical adj. 持怀疑态度的

skeptic n.持怀疑态度的人 + -al ...的

virtual adj. 事实上的

virtu(e) 美德,长处 + -al ...的

thermal adj. 热的

therm- 热,热量 + -al ...的

dental adj. 牙齿的

dent 牙 + -al ...的

lateral adj. 侧面的

later- 边 + -al ...的

instrumental adj. 起重要作用

instrument n.仪器 + -al ...的

empirical adj. 经验主义的

em- 使... + pir- 尝试,冒险 + -ic 人/学科 + -al ...的

medieval adj. 中世纪

medi- 中间 + ev 年龄,寿命,时代,时期 + -al ...的

nominal adj. 名义上的

nomin 名称 + -al ...的

oval n. 椭圆形

ov 卵 + -al ...的

municipal adj. 城市的

mun 功能 + -i- + cip 拿,抓住,获取 + -al ...的

decimal adj. 十进制的

deci- 十分之一 + -m- + -al ...的

partial adj. 部分的,不完全的

part 部分,分开 + -i- + -al ...的

global adj. 全球的

globe n.地球 + -al ...的

marital adj. 婚姻的

marit- 丈夫 + -al ...的