
  • v.使可视化;观察;直观显示


make visible
With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized
Synonym: visualize
imagine;conceive of;see in one's mind
I can't see him on horseback!
I can see what will happen
I can see a risk in this strategy
Synonym: visualize envision project fancy see figure picture image
form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract
Mathematicians often visualize
Synonym: visualize
view the outline of by means of an X-ray
The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver
Synonym: visualize


  1. Let us try to visualise it .


  2. No great effort of imagination is required to visualise machines that unload casks of beer or stack supermarket shelves .


  3. One can visualise this process with the aid of fig.1.8.1 .


  4. There are a number of useful ways to visualise this architecture .


  5. He had thought about this for years , wondering how he might visualise time .


  6. You might move one toe just one inch in one direction and that changes how you visualise this whole thing .


  7. Step 5 : Visualise If you are still tense , try a positive visualisation exercise .


  8. Breathe deeply and think positively , visualise someone you love and take that image with you into the interview .


  9. Programm to visualise the Window Funktion complete source code , has been tested .


  10. Storyboard is a sequence of drawings that are used to help visualise the animation and to communicate ideas clearly .


  11. Responsibilities will include working with landscape architects to visualise concept ideas , and to create presentation material including renders and some animations .


  12. Visualise getting off the elevator .


  13. If we can visualise a permanent place for green on the podium , we will all be winners .


  14. Visualise the Day Ahead : I like to take a few minutes to shut my eyes and visualise what I want happen in the coming day .


  15. It requires a considerable effort of imagination to visualise that any industry might be organised very differently from the way that industry is organised now .


  16. This allows researchers to identify individual organisms spreading the disease in given populations , which can be used in conjunction with Google Earth 's maps to visualise outbreaks .


  17. This paper aims to demonstrate the ability of virtual3D models to visualise the exquisitely colourful original appearance of the Clay Warriors in a virtual reconstruction .


  18. You do not have to visualise anything , just feel like you are doing this , as if you were doing it in real life without looking at what you are doing .


  19. It is said that some people tell their dying friends to visualise their acts of killing a cow for charity , believing that such acts are beneficial .


  20. Dare to dream , to visualise , to envision , since these are the tools of your new reality , your new awareness , consciousness slowly dawning upon you .


  21. Now try to visualise in your mind what success will look like , maybe a picture of you holding your IELTS tests result and all you friends and family congratulating you .


  22. The night before , visualise yourself undergoing the whole interview , step by step , and imagine everything going really well , you answering questions confidently , and ultimately getting the job .


  23. If you find it hard to visualise you can try to keep a positive attitude by pushing out negative thoughts when you get them with a'mantra'such as'Nothing worth achieving is going to be easy ! '


  24. But it is better to visualise them as financial ledgers - a public record book that keeps track of how many units of the currency each user 's bitcoin " wallet " contains .


  25. If you want to remember a list of household objects – gherkins , cottage cheese , sugar and other items – then visualise them in an unforgettable manner , he says .


  26. With crude at $ 125 a barrel , the dangers here are easy for us all to visualise : from furious truckers blocking British roads to riots abroad as inflation runs away across the emerging world .


  27. Before you start to scope out the game zone , you need cover : fox holes , barricades , fences , wood , armoured personnel carriers , bits of bird , more barricades , big tubes , grass , Russians , Visualise yourself a mind map !
