首页 / 词典 / good


美 [ˈvjuːər]英 [ˈvjuːə(r)]
  • n.观众;观察者;电视观众;(幻灯片)观看器;幻灯机

复数: viewers

view 看 + -er 某种人




a person watching television

The programme attracted millions of viewers.



a person who looks at or considers sth

Some of her art is intended to shock the viewer.


viewers of the current political scene



a device for looking at slides (= photographs on special film) , for example a small box with a light in it

These are all words for a person who sees sth happen.以上各词均指目睹事情发生的人。

a person who sees sth happen and is able to describe it to other people; a person who gives evidence in a court of law指目击者、见证人、证人:

Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident.


a group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to sth such as a play or concert; the number of people who watch or listen to the same thing on television, the radio or in the cinema指戏剧、音乐会、电视、电台、电影等的观众或听众

a person watching television; a person who looks at sth指电视观众、观看者:

The programme attracted millions of viewers.


Some of her art is intended to shock the viewer.


a person who sees sth happen指观察者、目击者:

According to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off.


a person who is watching an event, especially a sports event指观看者、观众,尤指体育比赛的:

The stadium holds 75 000 spectators.


a person who watches sth that is happening but is not involved in it指旁观者:

A crowd of onlookers gathered at the scene of the crash.


a person who is going past sb/sth by chance, especially when sth unexpected happens路人、过路的人,尤指意想不到的事发生时碰巧路过的:

Police asked passers-by if they had witnessed the accident.


a person who is near and can see what is happening when sth such as an accident or fight takes place指现场目击者、旁观者:

Three innocent bystanders were killed in the crossfire.


a person who has seen a crime or accident and can describe it afterwards指犯罪或事故现场的目击者、见证人



  • 1
    N-COUNT 电视(节目)观众
    Viewers are people who watch television, or who are watching a particular programme on television.

    These programmes are each watched by around 19 million viewers every week.


  • 2
    N-COUNT 观看者;观察者
    A viewer is someone who is looking carefully at a picture or other interesting object.

    ... the relationship between the art object and the viewer.


  • 3
    N-COUNT (看幻灯片的)观片器,看片器
    A viewer is a device shaped like a box with a lens in one side. It is used for looking at transparent colour photographs.

    This special viewer is simple to use and comes with 70 full-colour slides.



an optical device for viewing photographic transparencies
a close observer;someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind)
the spectators applauded the performance
television viewers
sky watchers discovered a new star
Synonym: spectator witness watcher looker


  1. In one ad the viewer scarcely sees the car 's exterior


  2. It has been said that the subjects eyes follow the viewer around the room .


  3. The programme contains language which some viewers may find offensive .


  4. Some of her art is intended to shock the viewer .


  5. Some of her art is intended to shock the viewer .


  6. To get more viewers the TV station was forced to go downmarket .


  7. The programme attracted millions of viewers .


  8. The programme is angled towards younger viewers .


  9. Viewers jammed the switchboard with complaints .


  10. Many viewers have strong opinions about violence on the screen


  11. These programmes are each watched by around 19 million viewers every week .


  12. The law is intended to protect young and impressionable viewers .


  13. There is nothing to stop viewers recording the films on videotape


  14. Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news .


  15. The foreground , nearest the viewer , is painted last .


  16. I am sure millions of viewers were humbled by this story .


  17. This special viewer is simple to use and comes with 70 full-colour slides .


  18. Viewers will have to make do with tired re-runs and second-rate movies


  19. ' Er , hello , viewers , ' he babbled .


  20. The first thing viewers usually say when they see me in the flesh is ' You 're smaller than you look on TV . '


  21. Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was ' too sophisticated ' to appeal to most viewers .


  22. Viewers will remember the dashing hero , Dirk , risking life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons .


  23. The more feedback we get from viewers , the better .


  24. Interactive ads and viewers might not go well together .


  25. In theory , interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not .


  26. Interactive television advertising , which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements , has been pushed for years .


  27. Unilever recently ran an interactive campaign for its Axe deodorant , which kept viewers engaged for more than three minutes on average .


  28. During commercials , an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen , prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue .


  29. Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of " Friends , " a popular situation comedy , would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Aniston 's with a few taps on their remote control .


  30. Some viewers of her cooking show , The French Chef , insist they saw Child drop lamb on the floor and pick it up , with the advice that if they were alone in the kitchen , their guests would never know .



corner n.

corn 角 + -er 某种人

customer n. 顾客

custom 习惯,惯例 + -er 某种人

dancer n. 舞者

dance v.跳舞 + -er 某种人

driver n. 驾驶员

drive 驾驶 + -er 某种人

farmer n. 农民

farm n.农场 + -er 某种人

foreigner n. 外国人

foreign adj.外国的 + -er 某种人

manager n. (企业、店铺等的)经理,经营者,老板

manage v.管理 + -er 某种人

officer n. 官员

offic(e) 办公室 + -er 某种人

order n. 顺序

ord 命令 + -er 某种人

owner n. 物主

own adj.&pron.自己的 + -er 某种人

partner n. 搭档

part 部分,分开 + -n- + -er 某种人

player n. 游戏者

play v.玩 + -er 某种人

poster n. 招贴画

post- 邮政,邮件 + -er 某种人

reporter n. 记者

report v.汇报 + -er 某种人

river n.

riv 流动 + -er 某种人

singer n. 唱歌的人

sing v.唱 + -er 某种人

soldier n. (尤指)士兵

soldi- 完整 + -er 某种人

teacher n. 教师

teach 教导,教书 + -er 某种人

teenager n. 青少年

teenage 青少年的 + -er 某种人

winner n. 赢家

win v.在(比赛 + -n- + -er 某种人

worker n. 工人

work 工作,运转 + -er 某种人

writer n. 作家

writ(e) 写 + -er 某种人

cleaner n. 清洁工

clean adj.清洁的 + -er 某种人

explorer n. 探索者

explor(e) + -er 某种人

fighter n. 战士

fight v.打架 + -er 某种人

former n. 模型

form 形成 + -er 某种人

hunter n. 猎人

hunt v.打猎 + -er 某种人

interpreter n. 口译译员

interpret v.解释 + -er 某种人

keeper n. 保管人

keep v.拥有 + -er 某种人

leader n. 领导

lead v.带领(人)前进 + -er 某种人

manner n. 方式

man- 手 + -n- + -er 某种人

opener n. 开瓶器

open adj.开着的 + -er 某种人

painter n. 油漆匠

paint n.油漆 + -er 某种人

performer n. 表演者

perform v.执行 + -er 某种人

photographer n. 拍照者

photograph n.照片 + -er 某种人

porter n. 搬运工人

port n.港市 + -er 某种人

prayer n. 祈祷(的行为)

pray v.祈祷 + -er 某种人

premier n. 总理

prem- 第一的,主要的 + -er 某种人

receiver n. 接受者

receiv(e) 收到 + -er 某种人

recorder n. 录音机

record n.记录 + -er 某种人

reviewer n. 审核人

review n.审查 + -er 某种人

rooster n. 公鸡

roost n.栖息处 + -er 某种人

runner n. 跑步者

run v.跑 + -n- + -er 某种人

settler n. 移民

settl(e) 定居 + -er 某种人

smoker n. 吸烟者

smok(e) 吸烟 + -er 某种人

traveler n. 旅行者

travel v.旅行 + -er 某种人

user n. 使用者

us(e) 使用 + -er 某种人

villager n. 村民

villag(e) 村庄 + -er 某种人

westerner n. 西方人

west n.西 + -ern ...方向的 + -er 某种人

announcer n. 播音员

announc(e) 宣布;声称 + -er 某种人

barber n. (为男子理发、修面的)理发师

barb- 胡须;胡子 + -er 某种人

beginner n. 新手

begin v.开始 + -n- + -er 某种人

carrier n. 载体

carr(y) 运送 + -i- + -er 某种人

commander n. 指挥官

com- 共同, 一起 + mand 命令, 委托 + -er 某种人

container n. 容器

con- 共同, 一起 + tain 拿住 + -er 某种人

employer n. 雇用者

employ v.雇用 + -er 某种人

lever n. (车辆或机器的)操纵杆,控制杆

lev 举,升 + -er 某种人

liner n. 邮轮

lin(e) 线;划线于 + -er 某种人

listener n. 听者

listen v.听 + -er 某种人

liver n. 肝脏

live v.活着 + -er 某种人

lover n. 情人

lov(e) 爱 + -er 某种人

manufacturer n. 制造商

manufactur(e) 产品;制造 + -er 某种人

messenger n. 送信人

messag(e) 信息 + -er 某种人

miner n. 矿工

mine pron.我的所有 + -er 某种人

murderer n. 杀人犯

murder n.谋杀 + -er 某种人

observer n. 观察者

observ(e) 观察 + -er 某种人

philosopher n. 哲学家

phil 爱,喜欢 + -o- 无实义 + soph 智慧 + -er 某种人

reader n. 读书…的人

read v.读 + -er 某种人

researcher n. 研究员

research n.研究 + -er 某种人

rider n. 骑手

rid- 骑行 + -er 某种人

robber n. 强盗

rob v.抢劫 + -b- + -er 某种人

seller n. 卖者

sell v.卖 + -er 某种人

steamer n. 蒸汽机

steam n.蒸汽 + -er 某种人

stranger n. 陌生人

strang(e) 陌生的 + -er 某种人

tender adj. 柔软的

tend 伸展 + -er 某种人

remainder n. 余数

remain v.保持 + -d- + -er 某种人