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  1. Female VietJet employees don colorful bikinis and even put up an inflight performance for their customers , mostly during inaugural flights to beach locations .


  2. VietJet Air , Vietnam 's only privately-owned airlines , has worked up quite a stir in the aviation industry with its young , attractive , bikini-clad flight attendants .


  3. According to Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao , Vietnamese businesswoman and the brains behind VietJet , the bikini-clad models on flights are meant to represent empowerment amidst the nation 's conservative culture .


  4. From a business standpoint , the bikini image seems to have paid off for Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao , as VietJet is all set to surpass national carrier Vietnam Airlines as the nation 's biggest domestic carrier this year .
