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  • 网络电影特效
  1. I would like it to be cheaper and not a tough business [ for VFX vendors ] .


  2. Tracking is fundamental to VFX work , but even the best tracking data is worthless if you can 't use it correctly .


  3. The visual effects here in china still has a lot of room for growth , its just breaking into the possibilities of VFX , but the development is increasing .


  4. The only major difference is the use technically , I see more F / X houses in the west developing their own specialized aspects the vfx software .


  5. On an artistic view , 3D animation is more demanding in that one tries to remain unique to the style of the film , where vfx has very little to no stylization .


  6. As the VFX supervisor in Lucas Film 's Industrial Light & Magic , Robert Blalack won the VFX Oscar award by virtue of Star Wars .


  7. This paper introduces the principles and characteristics of fax server supported by Dialogic VFX / PCI fax card and the characteristics of shipping information system as well as the necessity of applying fax server to this sysem .


  8. The cooperation between Chinese and African VFX studios which is proposed in this thesis goes beyond the scope of just offering VFX services , but also propose an exchange program plan such as training or internship for both sides in order to make the cooperation much productive end effective .
