
  • 网络瓦良格;瓦良格号
  1. But Chinese and foreign military experts said they expected the Varyag to remain in Dalian for the time being .


  2. The deployment of the Varyag finally into this mix will certainly add to those concerns .


  3. Varyag platform sets off first sea trial .


  4. This fueled speculation that the Varyag is being used by the Chinese military .


  5. China could actually turn Varyag into an active military warship , since he is badly deteriorated .


  6. This Varyag is the1st of Five planned carriers .


  7. The carrier in question is a former Soviet warship , which was formerly called the Varyag .


  8. The Soviet era warship , called Varyag , is now under extensive renovations at northeast China 's Dalian port .


  9. Varyag no longer has the nuclear reactors that were installed by the Ukrainian state-run Generating Systems of Crimea .


  10. Another Hong Kong-based company bought the Ukrainian aircraft carrier Varyag in 1998 , ostensibly for turning into a leisure boat .


  11. A few years later , it sold the Varyag to the Beijing military and the vessel has re-emerged this year as China 's first aircraft carrier .


  12. Defense Department projects may be ready as early as2015.China will undoubtedly learn many lessons from its experiences with Varyag and adapt subsequent carriers accordingly .


  13. The purchase of the Varyag has long been widely seen as proof of China 's interest in building its own equivalent of the Russian Kuznetsov-class carrier .


  14. In2009 , Varyag was hauled into a shipyard for renovation.11 months later , new inverted rails were put on deck .


  15. The Varyag would technically allow the Chinese to move air assets further away from their shore , give them additional capabilities within the narrow constraints of the South China Sea .


  16. The carrier , rebuilt from the Soviet ship Varyag , was renamed " Liaoning " and underwent years of refitting and sea trials .


  17. The carrier , formerly known as the Soviet ship Varyag , was renamed Liaoning after years of refitting as well as a year-long sea trial .


  18. In1999 a respected Hong Kong periodical reported that British and French companies had made Beijing an offer to equip the Varyag with many of the systems needed to make it operational .


  19. " One caption said : " A few days ago , domestic online military forums consecutively published photographs of the Varyag aircraft carrier being reconstructed at China 's Dalian shipyard .


  20. Varyag was built in Ukraine by the Soviet military in the1980 ' s.Construction stopped by1992 , with the ship structurally complete but without electronics .


  21. China 's state news agency , Xinhua , has published pictures of the Varyag , an aircraft carrier that the Chinese bought from the Ukrainians that they 've been slowly working to develop and deploy .


  22. The guard at the Dalian port gate was brusquely adamant : visitors could not enter for a closer look at the Varyag , a former Soviet aircraft carrier berthed at the north-eastern Chinese city .


  23. Despite its new navy grey paint job and a thick haze that lay across the city , the bulky Varyag with its distinctive ski-jump flight deck could be clearly seen from the roof of a nearby building .
