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美 [ˈʌpɪŋ]英 [ˈʌpɪŋ]
  • v.提高…的价格(或数量);突然移动;突然做(意想不到的事)
  • up的现在分词




  • Up is often used with verbs of movement such as ‘jump’ and ‘pull’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘give up’ and ‘wash up’.

    常与 jump, pull等表示动作的动词连用,亦用于 give up,wash up等短语动词中。

  • 3
    PREP 向上;朝上;往上
    If a person or thing goes up something such as a slope, ladder, or chimney, they move away from the ground or to a higher position.

    They were climbing up a narrow mountain road...


  • 4
    PREP 近顶端;靠顶端
    If a person or thing is up something such as a ladder or a mountain, they are near the top of it.

    He was up a ladder sawing off the tops of his apple trees...


  • 5
    ADV (目光)朝上,向上
    You use up to indicate that you are looking or facing in a direction that is away from the ground or towards a higher level.

    Paul answered, without looking up...


  • 6
    ADV (站)起
    If someone stands up, they move so that they are standing.

    He stood up and went to the window...


  • 7
    PREP 沿着;靠着
    If you go or look up something such as a road or river, you go or look along it. If you are up a road or river, you are somewhere along it.

    A line of tanks came up the road from the city...


  • 8
    ADV 向(或在)某地;(尤指)向(或在)北方,向(或在)地势更高处;
    If you are travelling to a particular place, you can say that you are going up to that place, especially if you are going towards the north or to a higher level of land. If you are already in such a place, you can say that you are up there.

    I'll be up to see you tomorrow...


  • 9
    ADV 往;朝
    If you go up to something or someone, you move to the place where they are and stop there.

    The girl ran the rest of the way across the street and up to the car...


  • 10
    ADV 上涨;增多
    If an amount of something goes up, it increases. If an amount of something is up, it has increased and is at a higher level than it was.

    They recently put my rent up...


  • 11
    ADJ 起床的
    If you are up, you are not in bed.

    Are you sure you should be up?...


  • 12
    ADJ (时间)结束的,用完的,到点的
    If a period of time is up, it has come to an end.

    The moment the half-hour was up, Brooks rose...


  • 13
    ADJ (道路)正在整修的
    You say that a road is up when it is being repaired and cannot be used.

    Half the road was up in Leadenhall Street, so their taxi was obliged to make a detour.


  • 14
    ADJ (指棒球运动员)该上场击球的
    If a baseball player is up, it is their turn to bat.

  • 15
    ADJ (电脑)已启动的,正常运转的
    If a computer or computer system is up, it is working.

  • 16
    EXCLAM 去你的!去你妈的!
    People sometimes say 'Up yours!' as an insult when you have said something to annoy them or make them angry.

    'Up yours,' said the reporter and stormed out into the street.


  • 17
    PHRASE 可以下床走动
    If someone who has been in bed for some time, for example because they have been ill, is up and about, they are now out of bed and living their normal life.

    How are you Lennox? Good to see you up and about.


  • 18
    PHRASE 不对劲;出问题
    If you say that something is up, you mean that something is wrong or that something worrying is happening.

    What is it then? Something's up, isn't it?...


  • 19
    PHRASE 出什么事啦?出什么问题啦?出什么毛病啦?
    If you say to someone 'What's up?' or if you tell them what's up, you are asking them or telling them what is wrong or what is worrying them.

    'What's up?', I said to him. — 'Nothing much,' he answered...


  • 20
    PHRASE 上上下下;来来回回
    If you move up and down somewhere, you move there repeatedly in one direction and then in the opposite direction.

    He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football match...


  • 21
    PHRASE 兴衰;浮沉;起落;悲欢
    If you have ups and downs, you experience a mixture of good things and bad things.

    Every relationship has a lot of ups and downs...


  • 22
    PHRASE 欣欣向荣;兴旺;红火
    If something is on the up or on the up and up, it is becoming more successful.

    They're saying that the economy is on the up...


  • 23
    PHRASE 安分守己;诚实可靠
    If someone is on the up and up, they are honest and sincere.

    I'm a pretty good judge of men. If you're honest and on the up and up, I'll be able to tell it.


  • 24
    up in arms→ see:arm


  • 1
    PREP-PHRASE 胜任;有能力
    If you feel up to doing something, you are well enough to do it.

    Those patients who were up to it could move to the adjacent pool...


  • 2
    PREP-PHRASE 搞小动作;做手脚
    To be up to something means to be secretly doing something that you should not be doing.

    Why did you need a room unless you were up to something?...


  • 3
    PREP-PHRASE 由…负责
    If you say that it is up to someone to do something, you mean that it is their responsibility to do it.

    It was up to him to make it right, no matter how long it took...


  • 4
    PREP-PHRASE 直至;直到
    Up until or up to are used to indicate the latest time at which something can happen, or the end of the period of time that you are referring to.

    Please feel free to call me any time up until half past nine at night...


  • 5
    PREP-PHRASE 高达;多达
    You use up to to say how large something can be or what level it has reached.

    Up to twenty thousand students paid between five and six thousand dollars...


  • 6
    PHRASE 马马虎虎;不怎么样
    If you say that something is not up to much, you mean that it is of poor quality.

    My own souffles aren't up to much...


  • 7
    PREP-PHRASE 在被考虑之列
    If someone or something is up for election, review, or discussion, they are about to be considered.

    A third of the Senate and the entire House are up for re-election.


  • 8
    PREP-PHRASE 遭遇,面临(困难或问题)
    If you are up against something, you have a very difficult situation or problem to deal with.

    The chairwoman is up against the greatest challenge to her position...


  • 9
    up to your ears→ see:ear


  • 1
    VERB 提高;提升;增加
    If you up something such as the amount of money you are offering for something, you increase it.

    He upped his offer for the company...


  • 2
    VERB (常指突然)离开,走开
    If you up and leave a place, you go away from it, often suddenly or unexpectedly.

    A man who for months had been dropping amorous hints about a long-term relationship upped and disappeared to America...


  1. We are talking about upping everybody 's pay .


  2. There 's no upping on the last round since then .


  3. Maybe we should think about upping our game here a little bit .


  4. Not surprisingly , upping intake led to weight loss over time .


  5. People are learning new skills because the companies that may employ them are also upping their game .


  6. Upping the capacity to 7000 people implies Apple has something extra planned 。


  7. Countries around the world are upping their game and giving their workers and companies every advantage possible .


  8. Establishing of Accounting Title is with the Draw Upping of Electronics Statement


  9. We won 't be able to make a profit on the deal without upping the sale price .


  10. As fashion brands take on luggage , so traditional luggage companies are upping their fashion content .


  11. She 's lived there all her life and cats hate upping sticks .


  12. Upping the gauge of one 's suiting fabric offers another level of warmth without compromising elegance .


  13. First , US men eager to build their businesses need to make a sharper impression and are upping their game .


  14. otherwise they wouldn 't keep doing it , and indeed upping the ante .


  15. Designers are upping the ante , making pieces so special they can 't be copied .


  16. But that can be controlled by upping equity capital requirements , limiting leverage and forcing assets back on balance sheet .


  17. When the benefits is on show upping , originally and very fine thing , Make the totally embarassed .


  18. The New York University professor , who predicted the housing bust and financial crisis , has been upping his economic outlook recently .


  19. Students who are good at these skills might be more likely to engage in recreational or organized sports , upping their fitness levels .


  20. Chapter 2 analyzed the Yangtze River safety management ' role on the national water transportation safety , and bring upping developing the Yangtze River shipping and urgent .


  21. Whether they could actually turn back Soviet policy depended on many factors that Moscow might yet choose to test by upping the ante ( Foreign Affairs )


  22. But the companies must believe they are getting a good deal ; otherwise they wouldn 't keep doing it , and indeed upping the ante .


  23. A cup of tea or coffee may also be beneficial , with studies crediting caffeine with upping the amount of CREB1 made in the body .


  24. And they keep upping the ante .


  25. Any kind of physical deed that will get your heart rate up will do a great deal of good when it comes to upping the quality of your sleep .


  26. It 's because of the different lead times . Designers are upping the ante , making pieces so special they can 't be copied .


  27. Federal Reserve that was targeting a2 % per year inflation rate would be aggressively upping the ante on its stimulative policies right now .


  28. The growth of travel across Asia and the projected upping of Chinese companies ' environmental standards are likely to be themes investors will benefit from over the longer term .


  29. Upping the ante , maybe .


  30. Groups representing contractors have responded by upping their use of third-party monitors on company training facilities , though companies are still allowed to certify their own employees .
