- 网络近东;工程;联合国难民救济及工程局

Turkey donates over US $ 1 million dollars food aid to UNRWA for distribution to refugees in northern Lebanon .
" Unless petrol is allowed in , Unrwa will discontinue its food assistance to650,000 refugees , as well as its garbage collection services , which benefit half a million Gazans ," she added .
UNRWA feeds 750000 Palestinian refugees in Gaza .
The figures do not include Palestinian refugees who fall under the mandate of the separate N Relief and Works Agency ( UNRWA ) .
Speaking earlier from Jerusalem to journalists in Geneva , UNRWA chief spokesman Christopher Gunnis said UNRWA only has enough food on hand for several days .
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East ( UNRWA ) - Gaza , Gaza Strip and Amman , Jordan
Spokeswoman Elena Mancusi Materi tells VOA the decision was made after one of UNRWA 's drivers was shot and killed by tank fire while on his way to an Israeli border crossing to pick up some goods .