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  • abbr.ungarische (German=Hungarian) (德语)匈牙利的;匈牙利人
  1. Construction of an Expression Vector Containing Uracil DNA Glycosylase ( UNG ) Gene


  2. Effect of Ung . of harmine on mouse epithelial mitosis and epidermal keratinization


  3. ung man to get into a scrape of that sort , and from knowing them to have been together the whole of last summer . "


  4. The article has utilized the historical materialism with emphasis , carried on the synthesis dialectical analysis on The destiny theory of Wang Ch ' ung .


  5. The application of UNG will be more and more important to the improvement of atmospheric , the improvement of people 's life quality , the change of the energy resource structure , promote the sustainable development of national economy .


  6. T ' ung Wang is currently one of greatest directors who can make a balance between business and arts . Almost all of his films relate to the history of humanity in Taiwan and focus on destinies of people in the bottom of society .
