
  • 网络无知的;蒙昧;闭塞;愚昧无知的;未开化


not enlightened;ignorant
the devices by which unenlightened men preserved the unjust social order
lacking information or instruction
lamentably unenlightened as to the laws
Synonym: uninstructed naive


  1. I pity them , these poor unenlightened souls .


  2. Today it is in the transforming period in china , in which a unenlightened and traditional agricultural country is changing an opened and modern industrial country .


  3. The devices by which unenlightened men preserved the unjust social order .


  4. They 'll only abuse us for being unenlightened .


  5. Uphold science ; don 't be ignorant and unenlightened .


  6. Lower scientific diathesis , underdeveloped exploitation of manpower resource , weaker creation capability and unenlightened development theory are the major problems in economic development .


  7. The Chinese civilization based on the extremely unenlightened level of productivity , science and culture inevitably bears the character of being precocial .


  8. The county economy is a regional economy which has regional characteristic and self-contained function , its main body is the traditional agricultural economy and the unenlightened rural economy .


  9. All the problems are because of the imperfection of related laws and regulations , lack of standardization of management system , unsound market mechanism and unenlightened thinking .


  10. Next , said I , here is a parable to illustrate the degrees in which our nature may be enlightened or unenlightened .


  11. We should not be concerned about what foreigners say ; let them say what they please . They 'll only abuse us for being unenlightened .


  12. However , as a result of unenlightened management means and methods , the water use efficiencies are universally low , and the waste of water is serious in irrigation areas .


  13. This system is designed for resolving the problem that technology of farmlands information gathering , tracking record and disposing is currently so unenlightened that wasted a great deal manpower and material resources .


  14. Domestic researches in the land utilization problem during city growth are relative unenlightened compared with overseas ones , in which it is still short elaboration to union the land utilization and the city growth system into one body the .


  15. The goal of all will be to try to explain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not two equally valid scientific theories for the origin and evolution of universe and life .


  16. As inconvenient transportation , deficient resources , unenlightened information , frequent natural disaster and so on , county regional economy based on the Self-sufficient agriculture which is important employment avenue and source of income in the poor areas .


  17. Existing Tradition Villages and Towns mainly have long history of Ming and Qing Dinasty and distributes in the region which is developed in ancient times , for the traffic has been unenlightened , these regions develop very slow .


  18. The reason that present status of reading teaching in high school is not satisfied is various , such as unenlightened teaching ideal , ignoring to train student 's reading habit and lack of instruction of individuation reading to students and so on .


  19. Urbanization is a process of evolution from traditional and unenlightened rural society to modern , civilized and informational society ; a process of cultivation and distillation for advanced productivity and advanced culture , in which optimization of the way of life and production has been embodied .


  20. In current trade of training and certification of the outward bound trainer , there are many problems such as the unenlightened training mode , the nonstandard training operation , the undemanding certification of qualification , the confused certification management , and so on .
