
  • v.使装载不足;欠载, 不足载荷, 部分载荷, 低负载
  • n.不满载;低负载
  1. Underload syndrome1 refers to ill health or depression caused by a lack of challenges or stimulation2 at work .


  2. People who lack stimulation in their working lives are likely to be depressed4 and suffer from " underload syndrome " .


  3. Experimental analysis about the underload operation of oil fired boiler


  4. Provide protection against overload , underload , open phase and voltage imbalance ;


  5. Discussion on Underload Operation of Sulphur Recovery Unit


  6. Research on Adjusting Underload Value of Amperage with Submersible Pump


  7. Underload syndrome refers to ill health or depression caused by a lack of challenges or stimulation at work .


  8. In most cases , AFC is underload running , and its potential can not be brought into full play .


  9. Besides , in actual engineering , most reinforced concrete structures underload work with crack , and the crack intensifies durability problems .


  10. People who lack stimulation in their working livesare likely to be depressed and suffer from " underload syndrome " .


  11. Results on crack growth and Sop are presented for CA loading with an overload and with an overload followed bv an underload .


  12. The most common health complaints triggered by underload syndrome are headaches , fatigue and recurrent infections ; it is also a cause of mild depression .


  13. Carbon-laydown occurs seriously in diesel engines on SCR electric drilling rigs during underload Performance , which affects the reliability and efficiency of the rigs .


  14. When induction motor operates underload , especially lower than 20 % the rated load , its efficiency and the power factor will drop obviously . So the induction motors carrying lightly for the long time have the very big economy energy space .


  15. According to statistical analysis of existing the Honghu tourist data , the performance of its tourism environmental loading ratio annual average weak contained low season for tourism is a serious underload , the tourist season fitness load , the peak tourist overload .
