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  1. Such boxing and unboxing operations add performance overhead since they involve dynamic memory allocations and run-time type checks .


  2. Otherwise , if the operand is of compile-time type Long , Float , or Double it is subjected to unboxing conversion .


  3. Unboxing is an act or instance of removing a newly purchased product from its packaging and examining its features , typically when filmed and shared on a social media site .


  4. Strongly typed collections provide automatic type validation and avoid processes that adversely affect performance , such as boxing and unboxing and conversions .


  5. Boxing and unboxing conversions Warns about automatic boxing operations , which may impact performance , and breaks assumptions about object identity for type wrapper objects .


  6. Both Unboxing WOA : the6 Aspects of an Emergent Architectural Style and The SOA World begins considering WOA in earnest should be read for additional insights into the REST , WOA , and SOA triad .


  7. This is known as " User Generated Content , " and in the current climate of online reviews , " unboxing " videos and consumer product-oriented blogs , advertising firms are just beginning to find ways to leverage this massive amount of content .
