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  • 网络台湾大哥大;全球;时代智慧;排队管理;管理
  1. Start a new Xdmx session that spans both nodes running the twm window manager .


  2. The applied principle of TWM in realtime interferometry is disscussed with deduced formula .


  3. This paper introduced a new type of molding process of plastics-thin wall molding ( TWM ) technology and compared it with the traditional injection molding technologies .


  4. The dynamic equations of the photorefractive two wave mixing ( TWM ), which accout on the beam fanning effect , are derived and solved by numerical method .


  5. In addition , TWM analysis results also proved that acoustic particle size based on the principle of ultrasonic attenuation could accurately describe the particle size distribution of nanometer calcium carbonate suspension .


  6. Finally , wave-coupling equations modified according to experiments , were implemented to simulate the dynamic process of the TWM and the theoretical calculated results are coincident with the experimental data .


  7. The twm window manager 's primary feature is that it 's tiny ; it doesn 't do much for you , it mostly trusts you to know what you want .


  8. The name is a bit misleading , but originally FVWM was a fork of the original TWM window manager and made as a feeble replacement .


  9. The suppress effect of TWM upon the incident beam fanning in large signal is presented and the effect of the beam fanning on the output of the signal are discussed theoretically .


  10. They range from minimalist window managers , such as twm , to large , capable tools , such as GNOME and KDE ( K Desktop Environment ) .


  11. I hacked into the Lemarchal mainframe , but wading through every file of Europe 's largest media conglomerate for the letters " TWM " is just gonna take eons .


  12. This paper introduces the design feature and difficulty of special high performance tooling of Thin Wall Molding ( TWM ) and mainly discusses the structure and material , filling system , cooling system , venting and ejection system of the tooling .


  13. X terminates when the program it was running as its " session " terminates ; in this case , that 's the twm program that the xinitrc exec 'd as its last command .
