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  • 网络吞世代;吐温类
  1. Then came my tweens and teens , and mean girls and cool kids .


  2. Analysis of Consumption Attitudes of Career Tweens and Difference of the Related Factors


  3. Offers an insulated , supportive space for female tweens .


  4. It would seem that the health education challenge is not just of tweens , but of parents too .


  5. I noticed some lovely tweens down by the kids ' club .


  6. Baby Boomers , for example , are looking for quiet , soothing dining environments while Tweens demand interaction and innovation .


  7. By the time a girl reaches her tweens no one bats an eye when she screams at the sight of an insect .


  8. Until recently , I thought Snapchat was an app used primarily by tweens and teenagers to send each other silly pictures .


  9. But what was once the domain of tech geeks and Honshu tweens has infected the masses .


  10. And what made it doubly exciting for the tweens was that the show blended " cyber " and " real " space in a striking way .


  11. In the past Disney concentrated mainly on the very young , but in recent years it has found a new audience among " tweens ", or nine-to14-year-olds .


  12. We sincerely apologize to Bieber for the hit to his ego and to the millions of tweens on social media we upset .


  13. It appears that there is a lot of demand for wholesome , age-appropriate , fun bras for tweens and teens .


  14. Has been voted the worst celebrity influence of2009 by the very people who made her a star , tweens and teens , according to an online poll on Wednesday .


  15. Halfway through this event , over the cacophony of screaming tweens , one of the stars posed the question that I used to ask : " What superhero power would you like ? "


  16. Okay , so parents aren 't all that perfect . But , do our tweens have to know ? Advice on how to deal with your pitfalls in parenting and strengthen your relationships .


  17. However , the important element of this show - at least for the tweens - was that the event and audience were being filmed for an online video , and everyone in the hall was taking selfies to be posted online .


  18. Given their resemblance to the stickers that adorn the notebooks of schoolgirls , not to mention their widespread adoption as the lingua franca of tweens and teens everywhere , some people wonder whether grown men should be using them at all .
