try to prove
- 试图证明

Finally , the County of San Mateo sued Jobs to try to prove paternity and get him to take financial responsibility .
Apple 's lawyers are trying to prove Apple 's iPhone and iPad innovations were unprecedented and risky as they try to prove Samsung ripped off their designs .
And then other means can be used to try to prove them .
It 's my job to try to prove it to them .
Neither try to prove someone wrong nor shout at him in public .
Due to that , we first of all try to prove the existence of Chinese middle constructions .
Never try to prove what nobody doubts .
Other regions could also collectively try to prove or manage those types of activities , that could benefit developing countries .
Don 't argue with the market , and never try to prove you 're right and the market is wrong .
I try to prove myself in every game and show that I 'm capable of being in the national team .
He had clearly decided to try to prove our erroneous judgment of what the traffic would bear .
He does not try to prove points one way or the other , but he does ask meaningful and relevant questions .
Axioms are mathematical facts that we take as self-evident and do not try to prove from simpler principles .
I will try to prove I have the quality to be in the team and hopefully help Liverpool win the title .
In short , the thesis will try to prove that translation context as a unique unit is an inseparable part in the translation process .
We 're not going to do something just to try to prove something . I can assure you that we are working on different things .
Many scholars have tried to reconcile the contradiction between the two theoretical hypotheses , or try to prove that one is absolutely right .
The rational knowledge needs comparing with the experience of life to try to prove and the experience of life needs interpreting with the rational knowledge to deepen .
OK , so let 's try to prove this theorem , at least this part of the theorem We 're not going to prove that just yet .
With his camera in tow , he goes onto the streets , mingles with the people , and doesn 't try to prove anything .
This article also attempts to try to prove is born cultural in the western modernity the foundation , forms the multiplication , unique which can obtain lasting vitality this question .
This paper try to prove the defects of system now available on the base of analyzing cases , and discuss the reasonableness and necessity of establishing the system from legal , social and economic aspects .
However , the more right you are , the more others seem to go out of their way to try to prove you wrong & after a while , that can wear you down .
They try to prove that scientific knowledge and society existence or society structure are related closely by experiential case research , and find out the social cause of the production and evaluation of the scientific knowledge .
Again , fair enough ; and it would be futile for the inquiry to try to prove outright lying in Mr Blair 's statements about WMD .
No matter how hard you try to prove to him that you are a worthy individual for him to hand his reigns over to , he will probably never be entirely convinced .
In practical work , through the methods of experiment of teaching , combined with case analysis , questionnaire , interview method , try to prove the significance and value of penetrating the beauty in mathematics teaching through teaching strategy .
In these cases , we allow the defendant to try to prove a set of facts which if ture warrant acquittal , but if not proven will result in conviction .
In respect of legislation , some researchers try to prove the subjective transgression to be directly intentional and indirectly intentional respectively from the aspect of the dealers ' purpose and cognitive degree .
Our research introduce lexical approach to listening teaching . Through experiments we try to prove that lexical approach been used in listening teaching can help students to enlarge short-term memory capacity , thus alleviating their anxiety when listening , improving their listening .