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  • 网络控制
  1. For receiver of the accurate results of analysis requires to do quality con - trol .


  2. In order to increase the con - trol precision and safety for the divers , an automatic control system for P and Po_2 has been put into use .


  3. The Single - chip C on trol Applied in the Seeding - machine


  4. PC - Based C on trol Delivers for Manufacturing


  5. Sliding mode variable structure control consists two parts : switching function and variable structure con - trol .


  6. Based on analysis of wind power generator operation characteristics , system con trol method of capturing optimal wind energy is investigated .


  7. Some examples of intelligent building and civil engineering structures with health monitoring and response con - trol are given .


  8. The network and subscriber sign and implement traffic contracts to realize the connection access con - trol .


  9. Cluster headache and right to left shunt on contrast transcranial Doppler : A c ase con trol study


  10. The reasons leading to light pollution and its harm are analyzed , and instructive countermeasures to con - trol light pollution are discussed .


  11. In the cloud , outside the firewall , perimeter controls cannot be relied upon to con ­ trol even binary access .


  12. The food intake and body weight of DIO group were increased significantly compared with DR and con ˉ trol group ( P < 0.001 ) .


  13. Based on a more practical and general fault model of the actuator , a sufficient condition about reliable tracking con - trol is obtained by the region pole assignment theory .


  14. Only by establishing a compliance man - agement system suitable to the actual situations of insurers can it play an effective role of risk management and internal con - trol .


  15. The process of the station , the structure , operational principle , software design and application result of the radio telecontrol , telecommunication and telemetry con - trol system are present concretely .


  16. The scanning mirror precise servo system is designed by the scheme of compound con - trol of open and closed loops with current , velocity and position loops in this paper .


  17. Therefore , it is very important to con - trol the CP infection for the decrease of the incidence of chronic gastritis , known as precursor of gastric cancer .


  18. This paper introduces the main property chip MBF200 , and gives its circuit under the USB bus , as well as presents the software con ˉ trol process to read fingerprint data .


  19. In this paper , based on the principle of least square method in modern con - trol engineering , the recursive algorithm of nonlinear optimization in com - plex modal parameter identification technique is presented .


  20. The result showed that the curative effect of treatment group was better than thot ot cou - trol one in reducing blood sedimentation and urinary protein and improving C3 and vital quality .


  21. The results showed the IFA test can be used for monitor-ing malaria prevalent status and assessing the effect of antimalaria measure at the late stage of malaria con - trol .


  22. The other ran away at once . I walked up and down on the bed , to con - trol my trembling legs , and looked at the dead rat .


  23. In connection with the experiment teaching of Con - trol Technology and Apparatus in the Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University , and the need of social development , some proposals about specialty laboratory construction are put forward .


  24. The recovery work is one of important work of the prevention and con - trol program , to underdo the task is emergent , especially to improve the abilities of the patients to nurse themselves .


  25. The paper discusses the mechanism of ABR flow con - trol and congestion control for the present ATM network , presents some problems on ABR flow con - trol , which need to be resolved .


  26. The main control methods include linear con - trol , predictive control and intelligent control , and intelligent control which includes fuzzy control , human-imitating control , computing intelligent control and cloud-model control etc. and is the mainstream .


  27. The hardware and software of interface design for the PC computer and cloth cutting platform in the garment computer aided design system is introduced . The characteristics of con - trol driving circuit and the interface circuit are emphasized .


  28. In this paper , the systems with pure time delay are studied The principles of Smith predictive compensation control and sampled PI control are analysed . And the two con - trol algorithms are compared by means of simulation .


  29. A multi-steps fuzzy logic decision-making algorithm was designed for the signal control agent of the first intersection , and a triangular fuzzy cooperating algorithm was designed for signal con - trol agent between adjacent intersections following-up .


  30. Design , fabrication and characterization of a compatible multi - polarity con - trol signals multi - octave 90 ° MMIC phase shifter with either digital or analogue without drivers is described in this paper .
