trigger off

美 [ˈtrɪɡər ɔːf]英 [ˈtrɪɡə(r) ɒf]
  • 引起;促使;发动
trigger offtrigger off


put in motion or move to act
trigger a reaction
actuate the circuits
Synonym: trip actuate trigger activate set off spark off spark touch off


  1. It will trigger off a chain reaction .


  2. Price increases trigger off demands for wage increases .


  3. Large price increases will trigger off demands for even larger wage increases .


  4. Careless political action can trigger off a war .


  5. In addition , urban heat island effect is very important to trigger off the winter thunderstorm .


  6. Sword specialization : this ability can no longer trigger off of itself .


  7. Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction .


  8. With the advantage of large coverage , wireless access technology has become an effective tool to trigger off the rural communications market .


  9. To puii the trigger off in somebody face !


  10. Activate generate trigger off what triggerd off the rebellion ?


  11. You choose what polarity of edge you wish to trigger off of , and like Pulse-Width trigger you set your time ranges .


  12. However , due to strong penetrability , flammability , explosive , hydrogen can easily cause potential safety problems and trigger off major security incidents .


  13. It would be better to say that a spatial preposition would trigger off a mental image schema in mind rather than say it has meanings itself .


  14. We must , through the college spirit construction , trigger off the intrinsic spirit of academic consciousness in China 's college , improve academic self-rule awareness .


  15. For subscriptions that trigger off of a report snapshot update , the schedule used to refresh the snapshot may be expired .


  16. The recent change of Georgia 's political power is likely to trigger off a new turmoil and the situation in Caucasus can hardly be stabilized .


  17. For example , one of the cool , new capabilities of the JavaFX Script language is the ability to trigger off of changes in field values in arbitrary objects .


  18. The advertising is communication of information through varied media , which aims at " persuasion " to trigger off addressees ' desire and action to consume the product .


  19. Judgement of Wisdom : It is no longer possible for the mana energize effect to trigger off of reapplication of the Judgement of Wisdom .


  20. The development of international services trade and the negotiations on international services trade problems among the international services trade organizations trigger off broad discussion of the theoretic adaptability of the H-O-S model to international services trade studies .


  21. In this tense environment , as the hospital network builders , the working may not have the slightest error . A little mistake may lead to doctor-patient conflicts and trigger off to the hospital trouble .


  22. This question trigger off my studying interest , there are so many difference between chinese and vietnamese on whether semantic or syntactic , so the Vietnamese students also encountered great difficulties like other foreign students when they learn Chinese structural particle .


  23. Because the regular maintenance has some drawbacks , such as insufficient temporary repair , excessively repair , blindly repair or overhaul trigger off accidents , etc. We must promote condition monitoring that based upon On-line monitoring and fault diagnosis .


  24. As power facilities in the important lifeline of projects , the damage of transmission tower-line system would lead to the paralysis of power supply system , which not only seriously affect demotic production and construction , but also trigger off other secondary disasters .


  25. Once the trigger goes off , it can induce the insulin secretion that makes us think we 're hungry .


  26. This effect is the action that the trigger will set off .


  27. Trigger Cut - off Type Protection Circuit


  28. But it acts as a trigger , which sets off cascading reactions in the brain .


  29. Retry policies can attempt to connector to the resource repeatedly over a time period , trigger escalations and fire off notifications .


  30. If China continues to follow the Japanese template , the end of the dollar peg will be the trigger event , setting off a Godzilla-sized credit binge .
