translation group

美 [trænzˈleɪʃn ɡruːp]英 [trænzˈleɪʃn ɡruːp]
  • 网络翻译小组;平移群
translation grouptranslation group
  1. The cohomology in translation group and Kronecker mapping


  2. With the tools of outer-product-operators and Hamilton-operators , we have depicted precisely the algebric structure of translation group , rotation group and screw group .


  3. The forth chapter introduced and drew research achievement from the team theory . Translation group is defined and its characteristics are discussed .


  4. Monopole and Cohomology of the Translation Group


  5. The author with several other classmates form a translation group and successfully complete the translation task under the guidance of their tutors .


  6. An explicit expression for any higher cocycles in translation group is given by means of Kronecker mapping from the n-dimensional flat space ( translation group manifold ) to the n-dimensional sphere .


  7. Thedifference and argument on literary translation between the Group of Creation and the Group of Literary Study has greatly promoted the literary translation in early modern China .


  8. New access-rights model for protect read - only translation unit via user group password .


  9. Drawing upon Lefevere 's theory of poetics and translation , the thesis explores poetry translation in Crescent Moon , from within the literary system , that is , from the perspective of poetics , in the hope of unfolding the translation by this group during the six-year span .
