
美 [trænsˈfɪɡjərɪŋ]英 [trænsˈfɪɡərɪŋ]
  • v.使改观;美化…的外表
  • transfigure的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB (使)改容换貌;(使)容光焕发;美化
    To be transfigured means to be changed into something great or beautiful.

    They are transfigured by the healing powers of art...


  1. Urban gardens have a function of improving ecological environment and transfiguring city image .


  2. Transfiguring into sustainable health is a good daily intention as one runs one 's small and large fusion energy flow .


  3. Stepping but not Transfiguring & On Mei Lanfang 's Pattern of Beijing Opera reformation


  4. The chrysalis will retain the power of transfiguring itself into the butterfly , and such transfiguration will , in due season , take place .


  5. This , as every schoolchild knows , is the fundamental difference between being an Animagus , and Transfiguring oneself into an animal .


  6. Later an attempt was made to demonstrate the god as real and to bring the visionary figure , together with the transfiguring frame , vividly before the eyes of every spectator .


  7. The pressure and response of head and mandible acceleration are important signs of wounding energy of blast injury , and the strain is an important biomechanical parameter measuring the transfiguring severity of bone and wounding effect of blast injury .


  8. The same drive which called art into being as a completion and consummation of existence , and as a guarantee of further existence , gave rise also to that Olympian realm which acted as a transfiguring mirror to the Hellenic will .


  9. Opportunity-oriented accounting is defined as consciously aggrandizing company 's income and transfiguring financial position in the field which those accounting postulates still remain uncertain , in which it brings the effect of distorting the result of management and misrepresenting company 's financial position .


  10. He started with the small quatrefoil lights of the Holy Spirit and the crucifixion , proceeding down through the main panels of Christ and his followers on the mountain , with all the way the white shaft of God 's transfiguring light growing broader through the fire-and-storm colours of the glass .
