
美 [trænz ˈæktɪŋ]英 [trænz ˈæktɪŋ]
  • 网络作用;反式作用
  1. The transcription regulation of globin genes is mainly related to local and distal cis-acting elements and cellular trans-acting factors .


  2. Progress in plant trans-acting factors .


  3. The alternative splicing is regulated by the interaction between diverse cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors .


  4. The transcription regulation in eukaryotes depends largely on the interaction between cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors .


  5. In plants , the expression of many genes is regulated at transcriptional level , and mostly by cis - and trans-acting elements .


  6. The pivotal role that Rev plays in HIV-1 replication as a trans-acting factor makes it a new target in the research of AIDS drugs .


  7. Present studies indicate that the interactions between trans-acting factors and corresponding DNA cis-acting elements are the basis of chromatin remodeling and gene transcription regulation .


  8. The Effect of Hypolipidemic Drug ( DEHP ) on the Trans-acting Factor ( s ) for Gene of Acyl-CoA Oxidase


  9. The eukaryotic gene transcriptional activation by RNA polymerase II ( RNA pol II ) requires interaction between cis-acting regulatory elements and trans-acting factors .


  10. The control of eukaryote gene transcription is a very complex procedure . It involves the interactions between cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors as well as the interactions between different trans-acting factors .


  11. It is one of immediate-early gene indispensable to cell proliferation , and its product is a trans-acting transcription factor that drives the cells from G0 / G1 phase into S phase .


  12. The promoter of tissue-specific expression usually have the particular regulatory elements , which make gene just carried on the expression in the particular tissue and organs and the particular growth stages by working with trans-acting factor .


  13. Storage protein gene of peanut express only in specific developing stage and specific tissue ( i.e. the seeds ) and this is the result of multiple kinds of cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors act in concert .


  14. Transcription factors , a large group of trans-acting factors , can change the transcriptional activity by binding specific DNA sequence , transcription factor binding site ( TFBS ) in the cis-regulatory regions of target genes .


  15. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay ( ChIP ) provides a powerful tool to analyze the interaction of trans-acting factors with specific chromatin regions in vivo , as well as the role of histone modifications in gene regulation .


  16. An angiogenin-binding element ( ABE ) has been identified in vitro and exhibited angiogenin-dependent promoter activity in the luciferase reporter system , indicating that angiogenin may serve as a trans-acting factor .


  17. Beta-lactoglobulin is a major whey protein in ruminant milk . Cis-acting elements (β lg core promoter , LCR and MAR ) and trans-acting factors ( transcription factors and hormones ) affect the expression of β lg .


  18. There are two kinds of CPPs : natural and synthetic . The study of CPPs began in 1988 when Green and Frankel proved that the trans-acting protein factor of HIV - I can activate Tat to penetrate into cytoplasm and nucleus .


  19. The DNA configuration was loosened in the existence of acetylation , then transcriptional factors could be combined to the corresponding cis-acting original body in nucleosomes , and in the mean time , corresponding trans-acting factors was recruited , then gene transcription can be started .
