首页 / 词典 / good


美 [tɑːpt]英 [tɒpt]
  • v.高于,超过(某一数量);把(某物)放在…的上面;居…之首;为…之冠
  • top的过去分词和过去式



  • 1
    N-COUNT 顶;顶端;顶部
    The top of something is its highest point or part.

    I waited at the top of the stairs.


  • 2
    ADJ 最高的;最上面的;最上层的
    The top thing or layer in a series of things or layers is the highest one.

    I can't reach the top shelf...


  • 3
    N-COUNT (瓶、罐、管等的)盖,帽,塞
    The top of something such as a bottle, jar, or tube is a cap, lid, or other device that fits or screws onto one end of it.

    ...the plastic tops from aerosol containers.


  • 4
    N-SING 另一端;另一头
    The top of a street, garden, bed, or table is the end of it that is farthest away from where you usually enter it or from where you are.

    ...a little shop at the top of the street...


  • 5
    N-COUNT 上衣
    A top is a piece of clothing that you wear on the upper half of your body, for example a blouse or shirt.

    Look at my new top.


  • 6
    ADJ 最高(级别或量度)的
    You can use top to indicate that something or someone is at the highest level of a scale or measurement.

    The vehicles have a top speed of 80 kilometres per hour.

    这些车辆最高时速为 80 公里。

  • 7
    ADJ 最优良的
    You can use top to say that you think something is excellent.

    For $50, the guests got three courses of top nosh, fizz, wine, and beer.

    花 50 美元,客人们就尝到了三道美味菜肴,还有汽水、葡萄酒和啤酒。

  • 8
    N-SING 最高层;最高地位(或职位)
    The top of an organization or career structure is the highest level in it.

    We started from the bottom and we had to work our way up to the top.


  • 9
    ADJ 最重要的;最著名的
    You can use top to describe the most important or famous people or things in a particular area of work or activity.

    So you want to be a top model…


  • 10
    N-SING (排名)首位;(位居)第一
    If someone is at the top of a table or league or is the top of the table or league, their performance is better than that of all the other people involved.

    The United States will be at the top of the medal table...


  • 11
    ADJ 最要紧的;最优先的
    You can use top to indicate that something is the first thing you are going to do, because you consider it to be the most important.

    Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority...


  • 12
    ADJ 次数最多的
    You can use top to indicate that someone does a particular thing more times than anyone else or that something is chosen more times than anything else.

    He was Italy's top scorer during the World Cup matches...


  • 13
    VERB 为…之首;居…之冠
    To top a list means to be mentioned or chosen more times than anyone or anything else.

    It was the first time a Japanese manufacturer had topped the list for imported vehicles...


  • 14
    VERB 高过;超过;多于
    If something tops a particular amount, it is larger than that amount.

    Imports topped £10 billion last month...

    上个月进口总额超过了 100 亿英镑。

  • 15
    VERB 覆盖;放在…的上面
    If something is topped with something, it has that thing as its highest part.

    The holiest of their chapels are topped with gilded roofs...


  • ...the glass-topped table.


  • 17
    VERB 胜过;压倒
    If you top a story, remark, or action, you follow it with a better or more impressive one.

    How are you going to top that?


  • 18
    ADV 至多;最多
    You can use tops after mentioning a quantity, to say that it is the maximum possible.

    The publisher expected the book to sell 1,500 copies, tops...

    出版商预计该书至多能卖出 1,500 本。

  • 19
    See also:topping

  • 20
    PHRASE 绝好;最出色;无可匹敌
    If you say that something is tops or is the tops, you mean that it is better or more successful than anything else.

    Majorca and Ibiza are tops for holiday bargain-hunters in June…

    对于实惠型度假者来说,马略卡岛与伊维萨岛是 6 月份的绝好选择。

  • 21
    PHRASE 大发脾气;勃然大怒
    If someone blows their top, they become very angry about something.

    He blew his top after airport officials refused to let him on a plane.


  • 22
    PHRASE 出人头地;拔得头筹;占得上风
    If a person, organization, or country comes out on top, they are more successful than the others that they have been competing with.

    The only way to come out on top is to adopt a different approach.


  • 23
    PHRASE 最高价格
    If someone pays top dollar for something, they pay the highest possible price for it.

    People will always pay top dollar for something exclusive.


  • 24
    PHRASE 从上到下;彻底地
    If you say that you clean, tidy, or examine something from top to bottom, you are emphasizing that you do it completely and thoroughly.

    She would clean the house from top to bottom.


  • 25
    PHRASE 从头到脚;全身;完全
    You can use from top to toe to emphasize that the whole of someone's body is covered or dressed in a particular thing or type of clothing.

    They were sensibly dressed from top to toe in rain gear.


  • 26
    PHRASE 使愁苦;使沮丧
    When something gets on top of you, it makes you feel unhappy or depressed because it is very difficult or worrying, or because it involves more work than you can manage.

    Things have been getting on top of me lately.


  • 27
    PHRASE 不加思索地;来不及思索地
    If you say something off the top of your head, you say it without thinking about it much before you speak, especially because you do not have enough time.

    It was the best I could think of off the top of my head.


  • 28
    PHRASE 在上面;在顶上
    If one thing is on top of another, it is placed over it or on its highest part.

    ...the vacuum flask that was resting on top of the stove.


  • 29
    PHRASE 另外;加之;除…之外(还)
    You can use on top or on top of to indicate that a particular problem exists in addition to a number of other problems.

    A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has, with a set of additional problems on top…


  • 30
    PHRASE 处于最高职位
    You say that someone is on top when they have reached the most important position in an organization or business.

    How does he stay on top, 17 years after becoming foreign minister?


  • 31
    PHRASE 完全控制;完全掌握
    If you are on top of or get on top of something that you are doing, you are dealing with it successfully.

    ...the government's inability to get on top of the situation.


  • 32
    PHRASE 非常幸福;心满意足
    If you say that you feel on top of the world, you are emphasizing that you feel extremely happy and healthy.

    Two months before she gave birth to Jason she left work feeling on top of the world.


  • 33
    PHRASE 盖上
    If one thing is over the top of another, it is placed over it so that it is completely covering it.

    I have overcome this problem by placing a sheet of polythene over the top of the container...


  • 34
    PHRASE 夸张的;言过其实的
    You describe something as over the top when you think that it is exaggerated, and therefore unacceptable.

    The special effects are a bit over the top but I enjoyed it.


  • 35
    PHRASE 除去…的两端
    If you top and tail fruit or vegetables such as French beans, you cut off the tops and the bottoms of them when you are preparing them to be eaten.

  • 36
    PHRASE (某行业中的)最高地位;事业的最高峰
    If you say that someone is at the top of the tree, you mean that they have reached the highest level in their career or profession.

    He sees himself going right to the top of the tree.


  • 37
    PHRASE 声嘶力竭地;极大声地
    If you say something at the top of your voice, you say it very loudly.

    'Stephen!' shouted Marcia at the top of her voice.


  • 38
    at the top of the heap→ see:heap


having a top of a specified character


  1. Imports topped £ 10 billion last month


  2. Profits for 1999 topped £ 100 million .


  3. How will I ever get on top of all this work ?


  4. You need to take the top off the bottle first !


  5. She is determined to make it to the top .


  6. He 's starting to get a little thin on top .


  7. The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system .


  8. All this extra work is getting on top of him .


  9. He hasn 't got much up top .


  10. The title is right at the top of the page .


  11. He is one of this country 's top professional sportsmen .


  12. She gradually fought her way to the top of the company .


  13. The company has signed up three top models for the fashion show .


  14. He worked his way to the top of his profession .


  15. She went straight from college to a top job .


  16. His performance is completely over the top .


  17. Welfare reform is a top priority for the government .


  18. A skin had formed on the top of the milk .


  19. Our equipment is top of the range .


  20. Only four points separate the top three teams .


  21. Orders came down the line from the very top .


  22. The gap between the two top teams is closing all the time .


  23. If you want the best , you have to pay top dollar .


  24. I need a top to go with this skirt .


  25. Worldwide sales look set to top $ 1 billion .


  26. The church was built at the top of a small rise .


  27. She 's in the top set for French .


  28. I would place her among the top five tennis players in the world .


  29. OK , everybody , let 's take it from the top .


  30. We can help you get top dollar when you sell your house .
