
  • n.托科;宫缩压力;爱琴鸟
  1. The teacher says that if I make mistakes again , I will get a toco !


  2. The present paper gives an analysis to the causes of toco and comes up with some solutions to reduce and ban the phenomenon .


  3. The TOCO heuristic function can determine when the structure of current network should be updated by analyzing the search path in the Hill-Climbing algorithm .


  4. If the toco toucan had evolved in chilly Ireland , its impressive bill would have been much more modest .


  5. According to the concept of Total Cost of Ownership ( TOCO ), the supplier selection criterion of international procurement can be classified into two levels , namely macro decision-making level and micro decision-making level .


  6. During the monitoring , the pregnant women lie on the bed with FHR probes and TOCO probes attached in bandages , which are wired to the host of the monitor .


  7. In this paper , in order to solve the problem of supplier selection in international procurement , a new quantitative method & TOCO total assessment tool is put forward to accomplish the task of total assessment on the micro decision-making level .


  8. Traditional fetal monitor is generally constituted of a host , wired fetal heart rate ( FHR ) probes and uterine contraction ( TOCO ) probes , and the host is connected to center monitoring station via wired networks .
