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美 [ˈtɪptoʊɪŋ]英 [ˈtɪptəʊɪŋ]
  • v.踮着脚走;蹑手蹑脚地走
  • tiptoe的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 踮起脚走;蹑手蹑脚地走
    If you tiptoe somewhere, you walk there very quietly without putting your heels on the floor when you walk.

    She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window.


  • 2
    PHRASE 踮着脚
    If you do something on tiptoe or on tiptoes, you do it standing or walking on the front part of your foot, without putting your heels on the ground.

    She leaned her bike against the stone wall and stood on tiptoe to peer over it.


  1. The government should stop tiptoeing around the issue of health care .


  2. The purpose in tiptoeing may be to avoid disturbing other people .


  3. For ' quiet ' she is seen tiptoeing around in the dark ;


  4. They presented scissors gait , flexed knee and tiptoeing of different degree .


  5. Anna was tiptoeing from the child 's room .


  6. Mr. Dougherty followed , tiptoeing inside and up the stairs .


  7. Fifty yards of tiptoeing brought them to a door which the Director cautiously opened .


  8. Afraid of waking up his father , he put out the light and went tiptoeing up the stairs .


  9. Pushing it softly open and tiptoeing in , I found all quiet inside , and my wife fast asleep .


  10. He must be in his room , she thought , and tiptoeing down the hall , she knocked softly .


  11. I try to tiptoeing around you , but my ballet shoes picks up a purple berry .


  12. Tiptoeing down the hallway , she eyed the front door warily .


  13. tiptoeing the gorgeous spring rays .


  14. Out of respect to the retreat participants , we are all tiptoeing through our days now , even eating our meals in silence .


  15. The gait was also improved with disappeared scissors gait and tiptoeing , knee flexion was improved and the patients could walk with heels on the ground .


  16. Tiptoeing across the corridor , the parents peeked in and saw their little optimist gleefully throwing the manure up in the air .


  17. However , despite constantly tiptoeing the fine line between a stripper and a singer , it 's undeniable that she has some powerful vocals .


  18. The speech reads like standard-issue diplomacy , with the chief executive tiptoeing through the sensitive passages and laying heavy emphasis on the opportunities for co-operation and the mutual interdependence of Rio and China .


  19. The success opens the way for a manned mission around the Moon by two paying astronauts , although SpaceX appears to be tiptoeing away from its original timetable that this would take place before the end of the year .


  20. The kindly Dwarfs , as soon as they noticed this , began making signs to each other not to wake him , and indeed did so much whispering and nodding and getting up and - tiptoeing away that they certainly would have waked him if he had been less tired .


  21. Instead of tiptoeing around her job as the right-hand woman to the President of the United States ( POTUS ) , played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus , Anna Chlumsky 's character , Amy , is a no-holds-barred , firecracker-of-a-woman who isn 't afraid to go after what she wants in her career .
