
  • n.顺风
  • tailwind的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT (从行驶的交通工具后面吹来的)顺风
    A tailwind is a wind that is blowing from behind an aeroplane, boat, or other vehicle, making it move faster.

    A tailwind had cut the flying time by half an hour.


  1. It 's faster coming back across the Atlantic because of tailwinds .


  2. To conserve energy , migratory birds prefer tailwinds , and are willing to wait for good weather .


  3. A tailwind had cut the flying time by half an hour .


  4. Still , no one in a hurry would turn down a portable tailwind .


  5. There is no need to fear the loss of this tailwind ;


  6. Optimism isnt a life plan , but it is a great tailwind to have at your back .


  7. This has been a tailwind for technology companies and manufacturers , a bright spot in the otherwise slow economic recovery .


  8. Slow global economic recovery and depreciating foreign currencies has provided a decent tailwind to this endeavour .


  9. There will be far fewer macroeconomic tailwinds .


  10. Gold mining companies are benefiting from the tailwind of the gold price that is massively increasing their revenue and future cash flow .


  11. The markets have thrown systemic caution to the tailwind of improving manufacturing business surveys from China , the eurozone and the US .


  12. Berkshire is always a buyer of both businesses and securities , and the disarray in markets gave us a tailwind in our purchases .


  13. We believe risk / reward remains favorable predicated on gross margin tailwinds , revenue growth opportunities , anticipated upward revisions to EPS and valuation .


  14. A closer look at the data , however , illustrates why the economy is less of a tailwind for Mr Obama than it was for the Gipper .


  15. One of the lessons your management has learned-and , unfortunately , sometimes re-learned-is the importance of being in businesses where tailwinds prevail rather than headwinds .


  16. Mr Wright has seen his former prot é g é rise to heights he himself could never have dreamed of , and he has been caught up in the tailwinds .


  17. Yet , in spite of these monetary tailwinds , analysts warn that piling in to the Hang Seng purely on the basis of its low P / E ratio would be a mistake .


  18. Arthur Kroeber of GK Dragonomics , a consultancy , says the country still enjoys a considerable tailwind from urbanisation and a huge potential for productivity gains as it adopts new technology .


  19. In some developing countries , momentum behind pension and social security reform has flagged , despite the fact that demographics is turning into a headwind , rather than the tailwind it has been for some time .


  20. So use this opportunity while you can , that tailwind of low interest rates , to accelerate your debt repayment so that youre not having to do so in a less favorable interest rate environment next year or the year after .


  21. Her facts were right and she even included relevant context such as the possibility of Brexit ( although she was of the dubious opinion that it would be a " tailwind " for the UK economy ) .


  22. And if you take advantage of that tailwind by doing what you love , striving for perfection , constantly learning , believing in yourself as well as believing in others , you are bound to conquer the world .


  23. There is no need to fear the loss of this tailwind ; India alone could add three times more people to its workforce than China will lose , and other countries such as Nigeria and Bangladesh are on a similar upswing .
