
  • 网络时间的条件下
  1. These events are not determined by timelessly valid scientific laws .


  2. My conceptual framework relates to the political economy , not the market economy as an abstract construct that is governed by timelessly valid laws .


  3. Stunning simplicity with a touch of the extraordinary creates a timelessly classic selting .


  4. Some ranking rules are fairly constant over time & forged headers and auto-executing JavaScript , for example , almost timelessly mark spam .


  5. Semele was carefully selected for its broad appeal : the themes of lust , ambition and jealousy are timelessly and universally pertinent .


  6. True or not , Kate is showing real fashion sense , says international stylist Henny Letailleur : ' It is much more sophisticated and timelessly elegant than previous trends .


  7. Under the current legal environment , People 's Courts tend not to accept and hear such disputes , which delays the settlement of the disputes , conflicts of lands interests hanging along timelessly , making it easy to abuse the land expropriation power .
