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  1. Needless to say , the performance of ThreadLocal was quite poor .


  2. Using ThreadLocal makes sense when you need to store variable instances on a per-thread basis .


  3. With these new improvements , ThreadLocal should be faster than other techniques such as pooling .


  4. By using ThreadLocal , we can reduce contention by giving each thread its own copy of certain critical objects .


  5. To create a thread-local variable , you instantiate an object of class ThreadLocal .


  6. Using ThreadLocal to simplify debug logging


  7. In this way , we can think of a ThreadLocal as allowing us to create a per-thread-singleton .


  8. You can use ThreadLocal variables to store any sort of per-request context information using the per-thread-singleton technique described earlier .


  9. However , the ThreadLocal class makes it much easier for us to manage the process of associating a thread with its per-thread data .


  10. One way of getting around this problem is to create a custom SubjectHolder class that wraps a static ThreadLocal to store the current Subject .


  11. Other applications for ThreadLocal in which pooling would not be a useful alternative include storing or accumulating per-thread context information for later retrieval .


  12. In the last installment in this series , we 'll examine ThreadLocal , an oft-neglected facility of the Thread API .


  13. Thus if we only had the ThreadLocal cache of the database connection handles , we would not be able to initiate a close of all open handles .


  14. The next-fastest data structure is HashMap , followed by ThreadLocal ( essentially , a specialized hash table in which the current thread is the key ) .


  15. The reason for this poor performance is that the Thread . currentThread () method is quite expensive , accounting for more than two-thirds of the ThreadLocal . get ()


  16. Java compilers offer no special language support for thread-local variables ; instead , they are implemented with the ThreadLocal class , which has special support in the core Thread class .


  17. ThreadLocal variables are different from normal variables in that each thread has its own individually initialized instance of the variable , which it accesses via get () or set () methods .


  18. It isn 't a particularly good implementation ( although it is quite similar to the initial implementation ), as it would likely perform poorly , but it illustrates clearly how ThreadLocal behaves .


  19. Using ThreadLocal allows us to bypass the complexity of determining when to synchronize in order to achieve thread-safety , and it improves scalability because it doesn 't require any synchronization .


  20. Instead , the Thread class was modified to support ThreadLocal by adding an instance variable to Thread that holds a HashMap mapping thread-local variables to their values for the current thread .


  21. In a multi-thread application , user-defined threads are not initiated by a servlet thread , thus they do not have FacesContext initialized as a ThreadLocal variable .


  22. Based on the deficiency , this paper analyses Java Memory Model ( JMM ), the reason for DCL invalidation and the interior mechanism of " ThreadLocal " . The strategy to design the object of class by singleton model is proposed .
