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  • 网络地震


shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane of from volcanic activity
Synonym: earthquake quake seism


  1. Still , the temblor struck a rural but relatively densely populated region .


  2. The US National Weather Service says the 5.1-mangitude temblor struck early Sunday morning following a much smaller quake several hours earlier .


  3. At least 20 aftershocks registering a 6.0 magnitude or higher have followed the main temblor .


  4. The Poetic Appeal under Graphical Supremacy & Revelations from Works on the Genre of Temblor


  5. Since that April temblor , the governors of Illinois and Missourihave formed task forces to assess earthquake preparedness .


  6. A 6.2-magnitude temblor , with a depth of 10 km , was followed by another one magnitude 6 after 11 minutes at a similar location and depth .


  7. The massive temblor may have caused catastrophic landslides , damming up the Sanxingdui culture 's main water source and diverting it to a new location .


  8. The largest recorded earthquake in modern times on the island of Hispaniola was an 8.1-magnitude temblor that produced a tsunami and killed 1,790 people .


  9. The temblor was in the same area as last month's6.5 earthquake that damaged hundreds of buildings in Eureka , a quiet town on Humboldt Bay .


  10. However , the temblor served as a warning to southern Californians who had not experienced an earthquake in some time : the " Big One " remains a possibility .


  11. Experts say a much bigger temblor , possibly of magnitude 7.8 , is likely to hit near Los Angeles on the southern San Andreas Fault in coming years .


  12. An earthquake ( also known as a quake , tremor , or temblor ) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth 's crust that creates seismic waves .


  13. But given the military 's lack of airlift capacity , just a fraction were able to arrive in the quake-hit area by plane in the first day or so after the temblor hit .


  14. When the temblor struck , that weakness probably caused a bigger portion of the sea bottom in the area to deform suddenly , thereby displacing more seawater and creating bigger tsunamis .


  15. Report says , this pair suffers the Hawaiian house price after violent temblor is invaded , it is needle of potion strong heart undoubtedly , have " stable soldier 's morale " action .


  16. The international community is rushing to provide emergency aid for the impoverished Caribbean nation , where as many as three million people are believed to have been affected by Tuesday 's 7.0-magnitude temblor that struck outside the capital , Port-au-Prince .
