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  • 网络目的;泰勒斯;泰洛斯;终极目的
  1. Or , as Aristotle would have asked : what is its telos ?


  2. The city is natural in that it allows human beings to achieve and perfect what he calls their telos .


  3. Most customers who quit the Telos Fitness Center in Dallas , for example , must pay to rejoin .


  4. In order to properly playing a role in contemporary society , first , the News Media should has its proper ethical ends or telos , ie.


  5. The telos for human beings is to generate a communal life with others ; and the good society is composed of many independent , self-reliant groups .


  6. For Aristotle , human beings have a goal or a telos , which is to live a life in community with others for the sake of human flourishing .


  7. The citizens of such a city can only reach their telos or perfection through participating in the offices , in the ruling offices of a city .


  8. A society that leads to our perfection that leads us to complete and perfect our telos must be held together by bonds of trust , of friendship , of camaraderie .


  9. As revealed in The Dark Rival , Qui-Gon , by now a full-fledged Jedi , discovers a young boy from Telos IV named Xanatos who exhibits a strong connection to the Force .


  10. Because only by participating in political life do we achieve , can we acquire the excellences or the virtues , as he says , that make us what we are , that fulfill our telos or fulfill our perfection .
