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  • 网络硫二甘醇;二甘醇;天通控股股份有限公司;天通;总溶解气体
  1. In these troubled economic times , it should be noted that the tdg 's $ 19.95 asking price buys an awful lot of weatherstripping .


  2. Based on the analysis of its concept , the hazards of the supersaturation of the total dissolved gas ( TDG ) were discussed .


  3. TDG processed by this method demonstrate that this algorithm approaches high accuracy and stability and satisfies the needs of reconstruction of digital high voltage impulse waveform .


  4. The TDG finite element method is adopted to solve the differential equations . The validity of mathematical modeling and numerical algorithms is validated by two modeling methods of solution and comparison analysis .


  5. On such a basis , the developed model was employed to predict the release process of supersaturated TDG of river section downstream a hydropower station on Jinsha River .


  6. Objective : To express and purify TDG protein , and to prepare the rabbit antibody against thymine DNA glycosylase ( TDG ) protein .


  7. We use the MAF model and BIST method to test the inter-switch links . The TDG unit and TED unit are designed , simulated and synthesized in this paper .


  8. The existing mathematic models for the release of the supersaturated TDG were validated by use of the prototype observations . Simultaneously , the formulas for the release coefficients were modified .


  9. Through the measurements of saturation degrees of TDG by different models for typical water bodies , hydraulic sluicing may lead to the increase of TDG concentration and even to its supersaturation .


  10. The Temperature Distortion Generator ( TDG ) design specifications , design technique and the technology of its fabrication were presented . The TDG was tested and calibrated using a turbojet engine and a turbofan engine .


  11. As the TDG had significantly changed the eco-environment of the Three Gorges Reservoir in aquatic conditions , so what extent it has posed to the aquatic animals lived in this region is urgently to be solved .
