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  • n.高田;孝太,孝多,高太,高多(名)
  1. Interface with customers on technical issues on Takata 's products .


  2. Safety devices made by Takata have been linked to 11 deaths and more than 100 injuries .


  3. He offered an apology but defended Takata 's products as fundamentally safe .


  4. Trouble-shooting and analyze vehicles with Takata products .


  5. And for the first time , Takata also acknowledged problems with leaks in its airbag inflaters .


  6. Takata had fought these demands , even asserting at one point that the agency could not force it to issue a recall .


  7. Takata declined to comment on the expanded recalls , saying the decisions were made by the carmakers .


  8. About 25 million vehicles with Takata airbags have been recalled worldwide by 10 different carmakers since 2008 .


  9. Takata 's patents also document how the company 's engineers for years struggled to stabilize the ammonium nitrate in its propellant .


  10. The latest recall does not involve Takata products and the problem has not been linked to any fatalities or injuries .


  11. The companies said the defective airbags , which were made by Japanese auto parts maker Takata Corp , could burst or cause a fire .


  12. Mr. Takada shed little new light on the nature of the defects , and he acknowledged that Takata was making slow progress with its investigation .


  13. Even now , Takata and automakers continue to search for the root cause of the inflater defect , but it still remains unclear .


  14. General Motors will recall about 7 million big pickup trucks and SUVs worldwide to replace potentially dangerous Takata air bag inflators .


  15. Airbag inflaters made by Takata can explode violently when they deploy , spraying metal fragments into the passenger compartment .


  16. Toyota and other carmakers have over the past years been rocked by millions of recalls over problems with airbags from Japanese supplier company Takata .


  17. Last week , a former Takata consultant said that tests he carried out on prototype Takata airbags in the early 2000s showed that they contained leaks .


  18. Up until now Takata has refused to acknowledge that their airbags are defective , said Anthony Foxx , the transportation secretary .


  19. In February , federal safety regulators began to levy a fine of $ 14000 a day against Takata because it had not cooperated fully in the agency 's investigation .


  20. Takata has previously admitted that , in the event of an accident , the front passenger side airbag inflators can rupture and spray metal shrapnel .


  21. But in new filings with the safety agency , Takata went further than it had previously in admitting wider , structural problems with its airbag inflaters .


  22. Prolonged exposure to heat and humidity is suspected to be a contributing factor to the failures , but Takata said it was still trying to pinpoint the exact cause or causes .


  23. Defects traced to the manufacturing problems , mainly careless handling of inflater components at two North American factories , were called alpha cases inside the company , Takata executives said on Thursday .


  24. Takata , the Japanese supplier linked to faulty airbags in millions of cars , widened the scale of potential recalls in the United States on Tuesday to 34 million vehicles .


  25. Two of Japan 's biggest carmakers are expanding recalls to replace potentially faulty airbags made by Takata , deepening a safety crisis that will now affect more than 30m vehicles worldwide .


  26. Defects traced to the manufacturing problems , mainly careless handling of inflater components at two North American factories , were called " alpha cases " inside the company , Takata executives said on Thursday .


  27. Former Takata engineers told The New York Times last year that they had raised concerns over a decade ago that the explosive material Takata uses ammonium nitrate was sensitive to moisture and temperature swings .


  28. Honda also set aside hundreds of millions of dollars to cover expected damages due to mass recalls of its cars equipped with Takata Corp. air bags that have been linked to six deaths .


  29. The move is the latest in the saga of potentially exploding airbags made by Japanese car parts maker Takata that has been linked to at least six deaths - all in Honda cars .


  30. TOKYO - For the first time since a crisis erupted over deadly defects in airbags made by his family 's company , the reclusive chief executive of the Japanese supplier Takata publicly addressed the issue on Thursday .
