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  • 缝合;【医】【=suture】缝,骨缝,缝术,缝线,缝合
  1. The automatic control system of motor generator set in power system simulation laboratory in SUT


  2. It was probably brought into China by Sut people .


  3. For each requirement one or more test cases must be defined that check the behavior of the SUT .


  4. They are not output from the SUT to the test architecture and cannot be monitored using traditional black box testing .


  5. For example , suppose that the SUT is a model of a stopwatch .


  6. SUT : That 's because you are not learning .


  7. In the directional source to sink transfer process , sucrose transporter ( SUT ) plays an important regulating role .


  8. Based on SUT model and protocol specification , the definitions of obligation property , extensible property and interactive property are given .


  9. Interoperability testing involves at least two IUTs ( implementation under test ) and they make up the SUT .


  10. In order to achieve communication with the SUT , you must use a standard syntax , codec completed this part of task .


  11. Sometimes I like to go out , sometimes I like to sut at home with candlelight and a glass of wine .


  12. The number of SUT netserver instances and remote netperf instances were increased accordingly for each test .


  13. The method considers part internal structures of SUT when generates test cases , which optimizes the test suite and also improves the error location ability .


  14. Third , its moment of inertia was calculated through using UG to sut up the model of the transmission of the screw press .


  15. As an example , suppose that you plan to run a build verification test of your system under test ( SUT ) on a Linux machine .


  16. Modeling SUT base on property generally can reduce the workload of model construction because it only focuses on the interested properties and ignores the others .


  17. The fixture class acts as the driver to determine how the sample data sets in the table are to be tested against the SUT .


  18. The presented monitor system enables accurate observation and analysis of the SUT behaviour from different abstraction levels ( e.g.system function level ), providing strong support for complex system design .


  19. Equation of compatibility has been sut up for near net shape precision process such as squeeze casting via physical analysis and mathematical deriving on pressed solidification process .


  20. During requirements-based testing , you need to systematically verify whether the system under test ( SUT ) behaves as specified in the requirements defined for it .


  21. Although sucrose transporter ( SUT ) is the carrier for active transport of sucrose , the biological function of them has not yet reported in cassava .


  22. These internal events appear as self messages to the system under test ( SUT ), meaning that they are generated by the SUT and also used by the SUT .


  23. Meanwhile , the test system and test cases will be separated from the SUT , when the SUT changes , the test scripts do not need to change or just some small affect .


  24. It involves simulating a large number of concurrent users , collecting diagnostic data , plotting graphs , doing performance analysis , and engineering performance improvements into the System Under Test ( SUT ) .


  25. The remote drivers ran corresponding instances of netperf to provide stream traffic in a one-to-one mapping of remote netperf instances to SUT netserver instances .


  26. The first of the netserver scalability tests utilized a single instance of netserver on each of the two system board Ethernet adapters on the first node of the SUT .


  27. Each corresponding remote instance of netperf or netserver ran on its own Ethernet adapter to ensure the fullest possible traffic to and from the SUT .


  28. Sucrose is the main form of carbon assimilates transported in the phloem , and sucrose transporters ( SUT ) play important roles in mediating the partitioning of carbon in plants .


  29. This paper discusses the abstract test methods for relay system testing , introduces the model of the R SUT ( relay system under test ), gives the conceptual architecture of relay system testing , and proposes several abstract test methods .


  30. Next , netperf scalability tests were run just like the netserver scalability tests , except that netperf was run on the SUT while netserver was run on the remote systems .
