- n.沙茶酱烤肉,沙茶酱烤鱼(东南亚菜肴,蘸用花生做的酱食用)

Satay for lunch ; we 've got plenty of food in .
How about beef satay , or chicken in a spicy coconut sauce ?
Finally , sate langwan ( which turned out to be a fish satay ) was sold out .
So I compromised at a stand labeled Sate Kambing Juprianto , which specialized in goat satay .
Uh , mee krob and chicken satay ? -
Authentic pork satay is marinated in a sweet and spicy paste of lemongrass , shallots , garlic , red chilies , galangal ( a ginger-like spice ) and fish sauce .
Sweet and sour , sugar and spice , cold and hot : These were the currents that ran through most of the dishes , including a garlicky , boneless chicken thigh on a stick : a supersized satay .
But if we had to choose the most iconic street food of Thailand , it has to be skewers of pork satay cooked on long charcoal grills and served with a vinegary cucumber salad and peanut dipping sauce .
The market is actually on land beside the canal and we order steamed fish , stir-fried spicy noodles , satay sticks , vegetables from the wok and a pile of other delicious dishes , although Tao still looks disappointed when I decline the home-made ice cream at the end .
First , it gave me easy access to the unadulterated Balinese food sold at market stalls - a spicy jumble of mixed vegetables called serombotan , a luscious goat satay ( no beef , since the vast majority of Bali , unlike the rest of Indonesia , is Hindu ) .