
美 [ˈsʌpləkənts]英 [ˈsʌplɪkənts]
  • n.(尤指向神灵或有权势者)恳求者,哀求者,祈求者
  • supplicant的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT (向上帝或重要人物请求的)祈求者,恳求者,哀求者
    A supplicant is a person who prays to God or respectfully asks an important person to help them or to give them something that they want very much.

    He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant.


  1. Spain and Italy are struggling with their debt crises and so have become supplicants .


  2. They woo supplicants for the purpose of turning them down .


  3. Hagen used the French doors and went directly out into the garden to where the supplicants clustered around the barrel of wine .


  4. For their efforts , jurors are paid a small honorarium and expenses , and they routinely have their ears chewed by eager supplicants .


  5. In the authentication process , the nodes in the tree which interact with the supplicants are defined as the virtual authenticators . The authentication in the paper is based on these virtual authenticators .


  6. It was 11:44 on a Sunday morning last spring , and the row of shops selling food , tea and books by the pound stood empty . Even the town 's sacred tree lured no supplicants ;


  7. Above all , poor countries need to stop being permanent aid supplicants and become normal market economies : still poor , but able to engage with global markets , grow and diversify their economic base – and make intelligent decisions about their external finance .


  8. If the crises in Greece and Italy tell us anything , it is that the European Union has tolerated widespread corruption , criminality and malign governance not just in supplicants from eastern Europe but in some of its core western European members .


  9. In front of the sacred tree , dozens of supplicants - parents and students alike - lit their last bundles of " champion 's incense " and turned the pile of ash into an inferno that would continue to burn through the night .
