
美 [ˌsuːpərˈɔːrdɪnət]英 [ˌsuːpərˈɔːdɪnət]
  • n.上义词,上位词(如fruit是apple、orange等的上义词)
  • adj.高级的,地位高的,上级的;[逻辑学]有高等逻辑关系的
  • vt.使升级;使成为主要;使提高地位

复数: superordinates 派生词: superordinate adj. 过去式: superordinated 现在分词: superordinating 过去分词: superordinated 第三人称单数: superordinates



linguistics 语言上义词,上位词(如fruit是apple、orange等的上义词)
a word with a general meaning that includes the meanings of other particular words, for example ‘fruit’ is the superordinate of ‘apple’, ‘orange’, etc.

also hypernym
compare hyponym
compare subordinate


a word that is more generic than a given word
Synonym: hypernym superordinate word
one of greater rank or station or quality
Synonym: superior higher-up


place in a superior order or rank
These two notions are superordinated to a third


of higher rank or status or value


  1. Based on the theories of Halliday and Hoey , lexical cohesive devices are divided into five categories & repetition , synonym / near synonym , antonym , superordinate , and collocation .


  2. In this context , Gottwald spares no effort to ensure its own software can be easily integrated in superordinate TOS software .


  3. The pump group for water injection control system consists of superordinate computer and 1 PLC .


  4. The Study of Superordinate Goal in Text Reading


  5. The norm is a superordinate notion which includes many subordinate types .


  6. The mechanism of superordinate goal inferences in text reading


  7. Word group is an adjacent superordinate concept of a word in its atypical sense .


  8. Through various functions of network communication , the system achieves the intention of communication between the superordinate computer and subordinate computer .


  9. Superordinate to first-person pronouns , self-addressing terms play an important role in communication .


  10. Together with the parameter setting of subordinate system , the software configuration of the superordinate computer and its functions are expounded .


  11. The results show that the superordinate goal inference is constructed on-line in reading , which support the constructionist theory .


  12. Animal words can be categorized into three levels : basic-level category , superordinate category and subordinate category .


  13. The individual cannot give his life point and meaning unless he puts his ego at the service of spiritual authority superordinate to man .


  14. It is both the extension of the superordinate laws and the mainstream of the local laws and regulations of our province .


  15. Based on this division , the thesis constructs a superordinate semantic system for identifying Subject and a subordinate semantic system for analyzing semantic structure on semantic dimension .


  16. A food drying equipment QTM with the function of air conditioning is introduced and a serial intelligent system of measurement and control based on superordinate computer and subordinate computer is studied .


  17. When it comes to the levels of categorization , the tabooed words are basic level categories and the euphemistic expressions are the superordinate level categories .


  18. In the design of the system , MCGS is used to configurate the interface of superordinate computer and the device component of the wireless communication is authorized by Visual Basic ;


  19. In case of a malfunction of the monitoring data , the compressor is automatically shut down and the error message is transmitted to and monitored at a superordinate control station .


  20. The monitoring system , which aims at the hydrogen-cooling generator system , is planed by combining multiparameter to superordinate computer , which then can carry out the process of the data .


  21. During the comprehension of narrative text , the constructionist theory suggests that the superordinate goal inference is generated on-line and the minimalist hypothesis thinks it is not generated .


  22. To eliminate the confusion over the problem of UT , the various speech units involved in translation should have names of their own , with UT as their superordinate concept .


  23. Compare with the traditional monolithic control system , this system can escape from the superordinate machine to realize the drawing and showing function , and can read the drawing document from the U disk and network .


  24. This text is analyzed through the background , the title , superordinate goal subordinate goal , main character secondary character , casual antecedent inference causal consequent inference , instantiation instrument inference .


  25. Comparative research on Mohist and Aristotelian referential theory of meaning announces that the word research of Aristotelian mainly involved the words of superordinate concept and subordinate concept , which is the foundation of forming syllogism ;


  26. This paper analyses the substitution function of nouns ( superordinate term , hyponym , words of connotative meaning , classified words ) and punctuation , some reading skills and methods for solving exercises exactly are presented .


  27. The industrial control computer is adopted as the superordinate computer of the self-excited DC chopped wave excitation system and the PLC ( Programmable Logic Controller ) is adopted for automatic excitation control . The regulator is designed with the engineering design method .


  28. The PLC receives control commands from the superordinate computer and transmits local parameters to it real-timely via RS-485 , such as the generator voltage and current , the excitation voltage and current , the calculated active and reactive powers .


  29. This part deal with the question from the perspectives of lexical-grammatical category , the category of gender , number and case , the emotional meaning of nouns , concept superordinates and hyponyms , social cultural factors and context .


  30. The structure of DCS is introduced and a reconstruction scheme is presented , in which the quantity extension of automatic processing unit , communication processor and superordinate computer and the upgrading of hardware and software are applied to improve the inner performance of DCS .
