
美 [səˈbɔːrdɪneɪtɪŋ]英 [səˈbɔːdɪneɪtɪŋ]
  • v.使从属于;把…置于次要地位
  • adj.从属的
  • subordinate的现在分词



  • 2
    N-COUNT 下级;下属;部属
    If someone is your subordinate, they have a less important position than you in the organization that you both work for.

    Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates...


  • 3
    ADJ 隶属的;从属的;下级的
    Someone who is subordinate to you has a less important position than you and has to obey you.

    Sixty of his subordinate officers followed his example...


  • 4
    ADJ-GRADED 次要的;其次的
    Something that is subordinate to something else is less important than the other thing.

    It was an art in which words were subordinate to images.


  • 5
    VERB 把…置于次要地位;看轻
    If you subordinate something to another thing, you regard it or treat it as less important than the other thing.

    He was both willing and able to subordinate all else to this aim.


  • ...the social subordination of women.


  1. Inquiring into the Design of Special Communication Subordinating Line Network in Power System


  2. A way for fuzzy comprehensive assessment of subordinating degree of surface water quality


  3. Subordinating everything to the war effort means just this .


  4. Analysing Phenomena of College Students ' Subordinating Masses in Morality


  5. Subordinating monetary policy to exchange rate policy would be painful for institutions like the ECB .


  6. Village ethic formed in historical agriculture emphasizes internal congruity , external competition and individual subordinating to collective .


  7. The idea of a person 's subordinating his or her thinking to a cause appalled him .


  8. Meanwhile , Li holds firmly the subordinating quality of education and relevant spiritual culture on the level of philosophical ontology .


  9. Two categories of logical connectors are conjunctive adverbs and subordinating conjunctions .


  10. Used of words such as relative pronouns and subordinating conjunctions that serve to subordinate sentence constituents .


  11. Civilian occupation actor is not fixed venues and income flow actors , actors and audience without subordinating relation .


  12. Growing freely is dominating one 's self-grow according to intrinsic requirement , but not subordinating external control passively .


  13. To abolish the examination and approval items concerning down payment and subordinating expenditures under border barter trade .


  14. Subordinating national defense to , and placing it in the service of , the nation 's overall economic construction , and achieving their coordinated development .


  15. Local governments should give full expression to their own initiative while subordinating their needs to those of the country as a whole and the requirements for long-term development .


  16. Compared to the central task of contemporary Marxist theoretical education is in a subordinate position , subordinating to and serving the central task of the times .


  17. Mr Rove was obsessed by pursuing his dream of a rolling Republican realignment , subordinating everything to party politics .


  18. However , in the roman family based on the patriarchy , the royal women also could not escape from the fate of subordinating to the parents .


  19. 167 species subordinating to 45 families from 13 orders were recorded within the boundary of Ji'an City , among which 12 species was new records of Jiangxi Province .


  20. Based on profound studies on the factors of fabric style evaluation , the author grouped the factors into categories and established subordinating functions of the individual factors to the collection .


  21. A human being probably loses a bit of thinking capacity in subordinating himself to a group , no matter what feats the collective is able to carry out .


  22. Article 2 The work for flood control shall observe the principles of unified planning , overall consideration , focusing on prevention , integrated measures for treatment and subordinating local interests to general interests .


  23. All this has been the result of both vision and pragmatism , sometimes subordinating national decision - making to European institutions and rules ( the so-called community method ), sometimes working through intergovernmental agreement .


  24. And the banks shall report the administration of foreign exchange about those exceeding us $ 50000 of purchase and payment in foreign exchange for down payments or subordinating expenditures for archival purposes in time .


  25. According to the main geo-environmental factors affecting urban development and their subordinating functions in land use , a microzonation of land use of the planned urban area of Badong was done by using fuzzy-comprehensive discrimination .


  26. Under the principle of diplomacy subordinating to northern expedition , he had some compromising attitude in the bargain with Japan , as , for example , in the Jinan massacre .


  27. In different contexts , " but " can serve as a coordinating conjunction , which can express various meanings , and as a subordinating conjunction , which can introduce different kinds of subordinate clauses .


  28. This paper attempts to compare subordinating conjunctions with transitive prepositions and prepositional adverbs with intransitive prepositions in an effort to enhance learners ' understanding of this new theory and improve their English grammar competence .


  29. Besides the First , the Second , the Third and the Fourth studios , the Modern Material Studio ( with a subordinating Metals Studio ), the Pottery Studio and the Public Arts Studio were newly set up .


  30. The biomass energy of forest of Jinggang Mountain National Natural Reserve which have been imitatively investigated aggregates 103 species , accounting for 6.63 percent on all our country and subordinating to 48 faculty 71 genus .
