superior mesenteric vein

  • 网络肠系膜上静脉;和肠系膜上静脉
superior mesenteric veinsuperior mesenteric vein
  1. Surgical treatment for carcinoma of pancreatic head with superior mesenteric vein involvement


  2. Part resection of superior mesenteric vein was performed in the same patient .


  3. The Pressure - time Relationship of Superior Mesenteric Vein after Acute Experimental Portal Venous Hypertension


  4. Diagnosis and treatment of thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein


  5. Gross Anatomic Measurement of Surgical Trunk of the Superior mesenteric Vein


  6. A sufficient length of the main trunk of the superior mesenteric vein ;


  7. Minimal change disease of nephrotic syndrome complicated with portal , splenic and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis


  8. Anatomical observation of the surgical trunk of the superior mesenteric vein on 100 cadavers


  9. Case of cancerous emboli within the portal vein and superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein .


  10. Objective To analyze the experiences of the diagnosis and treatment for superior mesenteric vein thrombosis ( SMVT ) .


  11. The display rate of normal main branch of portal vein , splenic vein , superior mesenteric vein were all 100 % .


  12. Patients of received bypass using the iliac vein of donor and the inflow is the distal superior mesenteric vein ;


  13. Portal / superior mesenteric vein resection in duodenopancreatectomy


  14. The applied anatomy of the surgical trunk of superior mesenteric vein and the inferior segment of inferior vena cava


  15. All uncinate process of pancreas was between the superior mesenteric vein and the inferior vena cava .


  16. After 3 weeks , determined the pressure of superior mesenteric vein again , then sacrificed all rats , took the liver organization specimen .


  17. Cases underwent superior mesenteric vein caval shunt ; Experiences of Side-to-Side Mesocaval Shunt in the Treatment of Portal Hypertension


  18. Results The visualization rate for portal vein , splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein reached as high as 95.8 % , 91.2 % and 90.3 % , respectively .


  19. To anastomose the " surgical trunk " with the inferior vena cava for shunting the superior mesenteric vein usually achieves good results clinically .


  20. The blood samples from superior mesenteric vein in 6 ( 85 . 7 % ) Dukes D patients with liver metastasis were positive for CEA mRNA .


  21. Of them , one case was undergone operation . Results MSCT findings included different extent of ascites , raised mesenteric fat density and the superior mesenteric vein widened .


  22. The diameters and flow volume as well as blood flow rate of splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein were markedly higher in cirrhosis with hemorrhage than those without hemorrhage .


  23. Portal vein thrombosis is a kind of thrombus that occurs in the portal vein , superior mesenteric vein , inferior mesenteric vein or splenic vein .


  24. [ Conclusion ] Portal vein / superior mesenteric vein reconstruction using the ligment teres hepatis during the pancreatoduodenectomy combined with vascular resection is a feasibility method .


  25. Determined the pressure of superior mesenteric vein and obtain cirrhosis liver example , then infused PCHO / hVEGF 150 μ g through superior mesenteric vein .


  26. The trunk of portal vein and its intrahepatic branches of first degree , the superior mesenteric vein , and the splenic vein were clearly delineated in all patients .


  27. The inferior 1 / 3 part of the head of the pancreas was drained into the superior mesenteric vein via the anterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal veins .


  28. 35 cases of portal hypertension were treated with combined paracardiac vascular disconnection and side - to - side shunt of superior mesenteric vein and inferior vena cava .


  29. Results : Dissection of mesenteric vessels , lymphadenectomy , and identification of the surgical plane were guided by the landmark of the superior mesenteric vein ( SMV ) .


  30. The segment of the superior mesenteric vein between the two confluences of the gastrocolic vein and ths ileocolic vein is called the " surgical trunk " .
