
  • 网络超流;超流态;超流动;超流性;超流动性
  1. The superfluidity effects in light nuclei


  2. The quantum fluctuations , distributions , and second correlations of Cooper pairs and Josephson superfluidity in the two cases are discussed .


  3. Optimal mix design for superfluidity self-compacting concrete


  4. The solitary wave model of superfluidity


  5. Molecular - helium clusters showing onset of superfluidity


  6. Self-energy Dispersion Effects on Neutron Matter Superfluidity


  7. Leggett ( USA ) . Both superconductivity and superfluidity occur at very low temperatures .


  8. Studies of superfluidity in retrospect


  9. It is emphasized that superfluidity is such a macroscopic quantum-mechanical phenomenon as superconductivity . $


  10. This paper points out that real estate in the background of capital market is relatively in over supply , capital is in the condition of superfluidity both at home and abroad .


  11. The 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three physicists who have made decisive contributions concerning two phenomena in quantum physics : superconductivity and superfluidity .


  12. Su ( 2 ) and Glauber coherent states of Cooper pairs in superconductor & studies of the quantum characters of Cooper pairs and Josephson superfluidity


  13. Bose-Einstein condensation ( BEC ) is one of the most important results in quantum statistics . It is also the theoretical basis of many macroscopic quantum phenomena , such as superconductivity and superfluidity .


  14. Basically superfluidity is a kind of quantum effect , that is Bose condensation . We can explain the superfluidity phenomenon by the theory of Bose condensation in statistical mechanics and two-fluid model .


  15. The effects of the dispersion and ground state correlation of the single particle self-energy on neutron matter superfluidity have been investigated in the framework of the Extended Brueckner-Hartree-Fock and the generalized BCS approaches .


  16. Unlike fermions , there is no limit to the number of bosons that can occupy the same quantum state , a behaviour that gives rise to the superfluidity of helium-4 .


  17. We formulize explicitly the inner structure of vortices , especially the co-center vortex lines on ground state and their thermal splitting , which induce the superconductivity carried by charged mode and superfluidity carried by the neutral mode , respectively .


  18. For Fermi atoms , which can be used to study the nature of superfluidity and the BCS-BEC crossover physics mechanism ; while for Bose atoms , we can study the technology of two Bose condensates associated , transformation and other issues .


  19. With the development tendency : On one hand : Combining with ultracold degenerate Fermi gas and quantum control method of magnetic field Feshbach resonance , optical association and optical lattices , we could further research quantum and superfluidity phenomena of ultracold degenerate Fermi gas .
