
美 [ˌsuːpərəˈbʌndəns]英 [ˌsuːpərəˈbʌndəns]
  • n.过多;过剩

派生词: superabundant adj.



sing. U过多;过剩
much more than enough of sth


a quantity that is more than what is appropriate
four-year-olds have an overabundance of energy
we received an inundation of email
Synonym: overabundance overmuch overmuchness


  1. The superabundance of money supply is an important reason in price increase .


  2. So , it deserves approaching whether money supply is superabundance , or whether superabundance of money supply is the important reason of price increase .


  3. Otherwise , normally the problem is not having no patterns , but superabundance of patterns .


  4. Our committee doesn 't need any more help . We have superabundance of helpers .


  5. The concept of novel receives so much influence from historical works in its development that it is regarded as the superabundance of history .


  6. China stock market shares the representative characteristic of transfer economy , and noise policy intervention , institution shortage and institution superabundance exist simultaneously .


  7. After considering costs of reconstruction and policy environment comprehensively , enterprises can adopt correspondent reconstructing measures such as clearing superabundance .


  8. I might be endless against them , but I am almost choked with the superabundance of the matter .


  9. I was insatiable , and simply gorged myself on the superabundance of books there .


  10. The breakthrough in the detection always chooses the special parts , change parts , detail , shadiness , feint , deregulation and superabundance of the criminal cases .


  11. In practice the missing element will be either nitrogen , phosphorus , or potassium , but superabundance of any two of these will not make up for the lack of the third .


  12. The crystals was grown by the Czochralski , due to the easier vaporization characteristics of PbO at the higher temperature and unsealed conditions , we found Pb deficient trend and W superabundance of melting solid .


  13. SQUID magnetization measurement results indicate that adulteration of Na slightly reduces the transition temperature of MgB 2.We find in the course of preparation that superabundance stoichiometry of Mg has no influence on superconducting transition temperature and transition temperature width .


  14. Through analysis on mask defect and characteristic of laser , a method of laser gasification repairing superabundance chrome in mask is proposed . Based on the principle of the laser gasification and characteristic of LMT laser repair system , the LMT laser repair system is improved .


  15. And where , formerly after such an excess and superabundance of consuming agonies , the jubilation of the horn cut through our hearts almost like the ultimate agony , the rejoicing Kurwenal now stands between us and this " jubilation in itself , " his face turned toward the ship which carries Isolde .
