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  • 网络杉山
  1. June Sugiyama says the information is sent to local health care workers supervising patient treatment .


  2. June Sugiyama is director of the Vodaphone Americas Foundation .


  3. Luo Zhaohui , director-general of the Chinese Foreign Ministry 's Department of Asian Affairs , has met with his Japanese counterpart Shinsuke Sugiyama .


  4. The diplomat , Shinsuke Sugiyama , director-general of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau , Ministry of Foreign Affairs , is scheduled to return tomorrow .


  5. The term " sotsukon " was coined in 2004 by Japanese author Yumiko Sugiyama in her book " Sotsukon no Susume " -- " Recommending the Graduation from Marriage . "


  6. She says the competition involved one hundred projects that could help solve important problems . JUNE SUGIYAMA : " These creative methods that people have by using wireless technology will be able to be accessed by millions of people , other technology using electricity and landlines would not have been that accessible . "
