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sugar baby

美 [ˈʃʊɡər ˈbeɪbi]英 [ˈʃʊɡə(r) ˈbeɪbi]
  • 网络甜蜜宝贝;因为她不想当糖妞
sugar babysugar baby
  1. Hey there sugar baby , Saw you twice at the pop show .


  2. According to their figures , the average sugar baby spends their allowance on rent , books and tuition fees .


  3. SeekingArrangement.com released a list of the top 20 fastest growing " Sugar Baby " schools : Georgia State , NYU and Temple University topped the list .


  4. We are in a very recessive economy , tuition costs and costs of living have increased and people are finding alternative ways of funding a college education , in this case becoming a sugar baby .


  5. Borax , Sugar , Baby food jar lid , Ground cinnamon
