street address
- 街道地址

The concept is similar to a street address system .
Results such as phone number and street address .
Type in your street address here .
The member 's name and residential street address .
Always include your complete return address , including full street address and postcode .
An OfficeLocation has a name , two street address fields , a city , and a state .
The input requirements are user name , password , data source , street address , city , state , zip code
If a machine 's hostname is the equivalent of a city block , the port number is an individual street address .
When the lamp failed to light , it may be audible and visual alarm signals and display street address of fault ones .
The address block field is a combination of several fields , including first name , last name , street address , city , and postal code .
Once you have selected the Business City , Township , Suburb or Locality you will need to enter the Street Address for the Business .
An identification of the place or places where the lighters are made ( i.e. , the actual street address of the manufacturing plant . )
A geographical hierarchy for a customer record may start at the street address and go up through the town , state , zip code , and country .
You could specify a street address , a zip code , or anything else that can be resolved to a latitude / longitude pair .
( Tony 's cliff-clinging house in Malibu is reduced to rubble after he gives out his street address on national television . )
Street Address : Room12J , Huaqiang Square B , Zhenzhong Road , Huaqiang North , Futian District .
The client requests a resource an abstract notion such as the street address of a nearby coffee shop from a server ( for example , Google Maps ) .
This means that you can 't outsource tech support : they have to be right there at the same street address as the developers , with a way to get things fixed .
This data often is in the form of some geocoded system such as latitude , longitude , and elevation , or as a ZIP code or a particular street address .
If you choose to hide your address because you work from home , then get a mailbox at the UPS Store or your local equivalent and put that street address on your site .
Clergymen paused in the street to address words of exhortation , that brought a crowd , with its mingled grin and frown , around the poor , sinful woman .
Address data type . The street or mailing address of a person or institution .
It 's across the street from the address he scratched off the envelope here .
For example , besides house number and street name , the Address object has one more optional property as Cross Street which is not shown in the above code segment .
HSBC has sounded out investors about a flotation of its UK arm , in a move that would realise value from its high street banking business and address regulatory pressures .
In fact , each record can be printed with a line for the name components ; a line for the street component of the address ; and a line for the city , state , and zip code components of the address .
A. Thursday morning the mail carrier for Main Street picked up her pile of letters . She sorted all of them by street address .