stratified rock mass

美 [ˈstrætɪfaɪd rɑːk mæs]英 [ˈstrætɪfaɪd rɒk mæs]
  • 网络层状岩体
stratified rock massstratified rock mass
  1. Studies are conducted on the fractal character of the fracture-sliding of stratified rock mass by using fractal geometry and the fractal model of fracture-sliding of stratified rock mass is established .


  2. Numerical analysis for size effect of stratified rock mass under compression


  3. Research on mode amplitude for side slope with stratified rock mass


  4. Study on integration of three-dimensional modeling and numerical simulation for stratified rock mass


  5. Numerical test analysis for stratified rock mass under triaxial compression considering strain soften characteristic


  6. Excavation response of tunnel in stratified rock mass based on Hoek-Brown criterion


  7. An Analysis of Collapse Yielding Rupture of Curved and Stratified Rock Mass


  8. Application of fractal geometry in the fracture-sliding of stratified rock mass


  9. The stability analysis on weak intercalation and stratified rock mass near the top of underground cavity


  10. Post-buckling for side slope with stratified rock mass


  11. Study on catastrophic model with cusp point for failure of stratified rock mass with a gentle inclination


  12. Indoors model test employing similarity materials and mainly considering V-class surrounding rock is carried out in respect of single track , the characteristics of stress distribution for the ling structure in bedding stratified rock mass is studied in the thesis .


  13. Based on field surveys and indoor studies , this paper mainly analyses , studies , zones and classifies the characteristics of rock properties combination of stratified rock mass , the rules of distribution of weak intercalation and crack and the characteristics of rock mass structure .


  14. Influence of Mechanical Characteristic of Bedding Surface on Stratified Composite Rock Mass


  15. The stratified composite rock mass composed of different rocks has a particular feature of deformation and breakage different from each other .
