
  • 网络斯特拉斯克莱德;克莱德;斯特拉思克莱德
  1. Strathclyde council has declared itself a nuclear-free zone .


  2. Given that Prof Hart 's education and career have taken place almost entirely within the Scottish higher education system , she has an additional role that is perhaps unusual too - she is leader of international activities for the whole of Strathclyde University .


  3. He asked Strathclyde police , which carried out the original investigation , to make fresh inquiries


  4. Scientists at the universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde who carried out the research say it could be used to test virtually any liquid .


  5. Strathclyde has a long record of tailoring its programmes to the needs of specific companies .


  6. Research Fellow at University of Strathclyde in2004 .


  7. Some British police forces , notably Strathclyde 's in Scotland , have made progress against gangs .


  8. Strathclyde University psychologist Alastair Ross said many men enjoyed the prestige of having a beautiful wife .


  9. Strathclyde University psychologist Alastair Ross said many men enjoyed the prestige of having a beautiful wife 。


  10. She recently moved back Beijing from UK , where she studied for her master degree in International Marketing at the University of Strathclyde .


  11. Scientists from Strathclyde University , UK , have created an intelligent food wrapping that can tell people if the contents are going bad .


  12. Cheng Jing received a doctor degree in Forensic Biology from University of Strathclyde , the UK , in1992 .


  13. Bilingual children outperform children who only speak one language in problem-solving skills and creative thinking , according to research led at the University of Strathclyde .


  14. Dr Olaf Rolinski , of the University of Strathclyde 's Department of Physics , led the research .


  15. For Strathclyde one benefit of the partnership approach is the access it gives its academics to companies and business leaders , says Prof Hart .


  16. He said evolutionary perspectives offered an explanation . Strathclyde University psychologist Alastair Ross said many men enjoyed the prestige of having a beautiful wife .


  17. Dr Fraser Lauchlan , an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde 's School of Psychological Sciences Health , led the research .


  18. So the group partnered with Strathclyde to develop a Babcock Academy to help bring the expanded organisation together , create a common culture and drive it forward .


  19. She is one of the few women to have made it to the top of a business school , to be sure , but the dean of the University of Strathclyde Business School , in Glasgow , also unashamedly pursues the practical alongside the academic .
