
  1. Discusses the calculation method of cross section area of exhaust duct . Proposes calculating storey by storey and then totalling the results .


  2. In this paper , the lateral loading capacity and stiffness of second storey and third storey composite masonry wall are studied and some commentaries are given . Therefore , the test lays the fundation for further proposal of the lateral capacity formulas of the high-rise composite masonry wall .


  3. Scope of Supervision : One main workshop ( one storey , partially two storey ) a gate house and a LNG station , installation of utilities .


  4. And it also analyzes that different forms of transformation will influence the adjacent storey of the transfer storey . This article put forward that the beam transformation can effectively prevent the stress concentration in the adjacent storey of the transfer storey .


  5. The differences become significant while the lower storey stiffness is weaker , lower storey mass and storey numbers are larger .
