- n.扫雪;短尾鼬;波拿巴特鼬
- stoat的复数

The stoats outside , the four friends discovered later , had gone too .
An excellent example of this trend is seen in the carnivores , with the evolution of small stoats and weasels .
Our goal for the day is to continue the control of introduced species such as rats , mice and stoats who are preying on birds .
Twelve bottles of The End Of History ale have been made and placed inside of seven dead stoats , four squirrels and one hare .
The stoats , with their guns , are on guard all round the walls , and they 're very good guards too .
Birds of other sizes were polished off by the arrival of rats , dogs , cats , ferrets and stoats .
Tuatara once ranged throughout New Zealand before rats , cats , and stoats - introduced by human colonizers - wiped them out .
Prime Minister John Key last Monday announced an ambitious plan to completely rid the South Pacific nation of rats and some other nuisance animals , including possums and stoats , by the year 2050 .
But he had gone up to Toad Hall , and two ferrets in the garden had laughed at him , and the stoats who were guarding the walls had shot at him .
Many of New Zealand 's native creatures have struggled against predators who arrived with human visitors - dogs , cats , rats , rabbits , stoats and their like - and the traps are an attempt to control their numbers .
They were already frightened by the noise of battle from the hall , so when the weasels and the ferrets started running out in terror , the stoats dropped their guns and ran back to the Wild Wood .