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  • n.展示;(美、英、瑞典)萧(姓氏)
  1. Treatment groups showe greater pigmentation when compared to the control group ( P0.01 ) .


  2. The result showe d : densities directly effect starch yields of the experimental plots .


  3. Analysis of mixed quantified model showe


  4. All calculated results showe that the AZO materials can be used as excellent transparent conducting films .


  5. The analysis showe that the operating frequency of devices is limited by the delay characteristics of center cell of the device .


  6. Experimental results showe that the compound is a blue fluorescent compound and has strong fluorescent , better water-soluble .


  7. And the results showed : 1 . The investigation of community showe that composition and structure of community were changing to some degree .


  8. The result of antifreezing test showe that the higher is propolis content , the better is antifreezing effect .


  9. The calculation results showe that cell membrane is stressed from two directions of cytoplasm and extracellular medium under external electric fields .


  10. Case analysis showe that AHP is a kind of concise and scientific method suitable for the evaluation and choice of low-temperature heating terminal equipments .


  11. The results showe that Anti-Rut Agent PR PLASTS could be used in expressway with heavy truck traffic or in high temperature areas .


  12. The results of western-blot showe : lots of distribution on lung , liver , cerebellum , heart , pancreas , adipocyte .


  13. The empirical results showe that the correlation between comprehensive income , net profit , recurrent profit and loss , operating activities earnings and cash dividends increase successively .


  14. The test results showe that this technology can improve the rebound modulus of reinforced-earth embankment and speed up subsidence stability of reinforced-earth structure notably .


  15. The main pathological process of the disease showe disturbances of lymph circulation , interstitial edema , wide cellular degeneration and necrosis in tissues and organs of the whole body .


  16. TH and Hoechst staining showe that part of a large number of positive nuclei in SN were irregular shrinkage , nuclear fragmentation , some cracking to multiple apoptotic bodies .


  17. Results showe that when using zero-reference grating it is not sensitive to tip-induced artifacts in images and the measuring range is not affected by the width of grating element .


  18. It was showe that the bone proliferation was significantly more in the vehicle drivers than that of the control group , the onset of the sickness was earlier , the condition was more severe .


  19. Conclusion Spinal tuberculosis have multiple characteristics on MRI , the lesions have different locations . T_1WI and T_2WI often showe mixed signal , these are helpful to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the spinal tuberculosis .


  20. Immunohistochemistry and Western blot both showe that the OPN expression in liver of high-cholesterol groups increase compared with the normal control group , while the expression of OPN was decreased in high-cholesterol diet + atorvastatin group .


  21. Through the theoretic analysis and a large scale of experiments , we showe the GP model can implement low-level feature detection reliably , and can be well applied to visual information processing applications . ( 2 ) A novel Hough-based algorithm for straight line feature detection is proposed .


  22. In this paper , the authors analyzed the relationship between sporopollen and soluble organism is analyzed . The results showe that the content of fern spore positively , but Gymnospermae pollen is negatively correlated to bituminous " A " and total hydrocarbon HC .
