
  • 网络消毒;冲销


make infertile
in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized
Synonym: sterilize desex unsex desexualize desexualise fix
make free from bacteria
Synonym: sterilize


  1. The machine uses minute quantities of ozone to sterilise and deodorise refrigerated food vehicles .


  2. The products give us peace of mind and solved the problem of decontaminating products which are constantly handled but are unpractical to sterilise on a daily basis .


  3. One way for countries to absorb international liquidity is to sterilise it .


  4. One tool in the policy box was to sterilise the monetary consequences of these interventions .


  5. It was the task of the health court to sterilise the mentally incompetent .


  6. He bombards male insects with radioactive particles to sterilise them .


  7. These last two measures can help to absorb ( sterilise ), foreign currency inflows – another burden of currency inflexibility .


  8. When the guest checks out , we infrared sterilise the tea cups , he adds .


  9. Urine is filtered through sand , and the resulting liquor is exposed to ultraviolet light to sterilise it .


  10. This may also happen if the debt sold in efforts to sterilise the monetary overhang is deemed beyond the government 's ability to service .


  11. Because its financial infrastructure is a little shaky , the central bank is not completely able to sterilise its foreign-currency transactions .


  12. Sterilise or sterilize the vet sterilised the young cat .


  13. This makes the bomb a good way to destroy and sterilise germ-and chemical-warfare laboratories while limiting damage nearby , says Mr Hiznay .


  14. The ECB will this week seek to reabsorb the equivalent amount of liquidity from the eurozone financial system in an attempt to " sterilise " any inflation impact .


  15. The Belgian government has come up with a radical way to deal with the burgeoning cat population – to sterilise all but a select few of the animals within five years .


  16. To " sterilise " the injection of cash into the economy caused by big trade surpluses , they sell bonds to the banking system , taking some of that cash out of circulation .


  17. At the entrance to the Hong Kong Academy for performing arts , doormats that sterilise your shoes and machines that distribute disinfectant gel bear witness to the real threat that was posed by SARS .


  18. Real appreciation of the renminbi is almost inevitable , if not through adjustment of the nominal exchange rate then through inflation , as it will become increasingly difficult in the future to sterilise , or offset , the monetary effect of foreign reserve accumulations .


  19. To keep the renminbi stable , the People 's Bank of China buys nearly all the incoming foreign currency , invests it , and then tries to sterilise the monetary impact in China by issuing local currency bills to take the funds out of circulation .


  20. Yet Chinese central bankers are fretting about the potentially rising cost of the accumulation process : in order to mop up , or " sterilise " , the excess liquidity generated by its foreign exchange purchases , the PBOC has been issuing specially designed local currency bills .
